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I sit at my desk unable to do any work, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I needed her to agree, I need the business to be in my name. It would've been soon but my girlfriend, sorry, ex girlfriend had to go and cheat. Then Alissa had the nerve to fucking show up with the guy she cheated on me with. I couldn't control my anger and ended up in the stupid ER. Impulsively, I picked out the first person I saw. Luckily, she needed the money too, not to mention she was also beautiful. Her gorgeous hazel eyes framed by long thick lashes, led to a button nose with freckles lightly dusted across the bridge. Her long wavy chocolate brown hair is what caught my attention. Her spitfire attitude made her a devil dressed in angel's clothing. Jesus, I can not be thirsting over this woman. That nurse was going to take weeks before she agreed, and I didn't have any time to waste. I went through women like a chess game all the time. Hell, if there was an award for a man who played women I'd win it every year. She was too stubborn to even realize my proposal was going to benefit her, either way she was going to come crawling to me. Or I would hope she did.

    Being a billionaire CEO came with a lot of problems, one of them being social media. When you're in the public eye everything you do would be talked about for the next month, until they have something else to talk about. It also meant that you would have stalkers, all the time. You would have obsessed teenagers waiting outside your house just to be able to get a glimpse of you. If I really and desperately needed a wife, there were plenty of options. Every woman out there was dying to be with me, dying to get a single touch of me. At this point I didn't care if she was fucking me just for money. I needed a wife.

    I could handle having people obsessed with me, it was bad for Rose. My precious, innocent, perfect little sister. The media and stalkers were incredibly dangerous for my sister's safety. My dad on the other hand is a useless asshole. I've been taking care of the business and Rose for a year now, and for that entire year he didn't help out with shit. He's only going to hand me the business once I get a wife, and he knew I didn't do commitment. Some sort of fucked up plan he created. But I would do anything at this point to get the company, even if it meant killing him.
I get up from my desk and leave the office, my least favorite room in the house. Walking down the hall to Rose's room I noticed the house was incredibly silent meaning my father was not home.

I knock on Rose's door, not getting a reply. I knock again, only to hear a faint "go away." That asshole probably upset her again. I slowly open the door, entering her room before closing the door gently. Keyword, gently. "Rose, it's Dante." I say, kneeling down beside her bed, "I said go away."

She mumbles from under the blanket. That son of a bitch. "Did I upset you?" I ask her, causing her to jolt up looking as if she was ready to murder me. Her gray eyes, the same shade as mine, were full of fury. "You promised me you'd be back early to play with me, guess what it's already 8." She sniffs. Shit. Now, I was the son of a bitch.

"I'm sorry piccolo... I had a lot of work today. See, my eyes are red because I'm tired." I say pointing to my eyes that were actually normal, causing her to finally release a beautiful laugh.

"I'm sorry. Tell you what, how about we go out for ice cream?" I say to her, earning a slow nod. "Where's my hug?" I ask her with a devilish grin, and before I know it, there is a happy little girl in my arms.

I pull away, fixing her shirt and carrying her on my shoulders. "Look, now I'm big!" Rose says smiling, it tore me apart to make her upset. Whether it cost me my life, my sister couldn't be upset.

"Sir there is a woman outside claiming to be a nurse asking to see you." Ronan, my right hand man, says to me leaving me stunned. I did not expect her to come, at least not this early. I assumed it would take her no less than five months to agree. But right now my sister is more important than my benefits.

"She can wait." I tell Ronan, as Rose starts to pull the top of my hair. "It's not nice to leave people waiting." She tells me, leaving me shocked. "Who the hell taught you that piccolo?" I ask her. "A youtube video." She says, flashing me a proud smile.

"Fine, just because Rose asked, Ronan bring her to my office." I say entering my office placing my beautiful 6 year old sister on the desk, she jumps on top of it like a cat. She probably learned that from a YouTube video too.

    A knock on the door causes me to groan, here we go with the stubbornness. "Rose sit down, you're going to hurt yourself. I- come in" I say trying to make sure my sister doesn't get hurt. The door slides open and she comes in wearing the same scrubs from earlier.

    "Rose..." I warn her taking a seat with her still on my back. "Didn't expect to see you here this fast. Guess you really missed me" I say causing Beaumont to flash me an unimpressed look.

"Can you not be an ass for 2 seconds, nevermind I'm just here to tell you I accept the offer. That's it" She says looking down at Rose, who was also mouthing words to her.

"Do you want to come with us to get ice cream?" Rose asked, my eyes quickly snapped to the nurse whose first name I still didn't know.

    "Nope I can't, sorry kiddo." She said smiling softly at Rose before turning her gaze back to glaring at me.

"I like this girl, is she your girlfriend?" Rose asks, poking my arm. I hear Beaumont quickly smother a laugh. "God no... She uh.. she works with me." I mutter getting up, carrying Rose on my shoulders. "Well I guess we're done here I'm just going to leave." Beaumont says as she walks out the door.

"Rose stay here I'm going to be right back" I say as I put Rose down and walk out the door after her. Opening the front door, I get a glimpse of how tight the back of her scrubs are, triggering a bulge in my dress pants. Fucking hell. She was already walking down the sidewalk to where her old beat up car was parked.

    I quickly walk towards her "Beaumont, wait up." She doesn't stop walking. Of course. Groaning, I jog after her. "What do you want, Romano." Huh guess she really did read the card.

Her face was flushed a cute pink from the cold. Jesus christ, I didn't just call this woman cute. I wasn't going to deny the fact that she was attractive, but I also was not interested in her.

    "Hold up, we need to talk. '' I say grabbing her arm forcing her to stop. I don't miss the slight flinch when I grab her arm. She quickly covers it up as I let go "What." She replies sharply looking up at me.

"We need to discuss details, let's go somewhere warm." "No thanks." She says. "Beaumont it's fucking cold." I say to her, with a forced smile.

She was so goddamn difficult, no wonder she got fired. I hear the groan before she says, "Don't be such a pussy, just... meet me at the Cafe on Sixth Avenue tomorrow. 2 am sharp, do not be late." "It's a date." I say smiling to myself. Now I was sure every woman in the world wouldn't deny me. She turns walking again to her car.

"Beaumont, wait. I didn't get your name." I say earning no response. "I need it to make sure I know who you are." I say to back myself up.

"Evelyn." She forces out before getting in her car and driving off." "Evelyn." I whisper to myself with a smirk.

Heading back home I think of Evelyns's stubbornness. I was going to marry this woman and she wouldn't tell me her name. But she needs to learn something. Everything was going to go my way, Dante's way.

Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this update! Don't forget to vote and comment and we'll see you in the next one!

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