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He kissed me. He. Kissed. Me.

Dante fucking Romano kissed my lips, he made out with me. Me, a stupid boring nurse. At least that's what I was.

I cursed myself continuously for making him agree that we were enemies. A part of me was thankful my brain did that. After that kiss, if we had done something more I'm not sure I could have ever moved on. We are supposed to hate each other and not be making out on normal occasions. I had to keep reminding myself that Dante was never going to commit to anything, hell we don't even have interest in each other; at least not yet. I deserve someone who could commit, someone I could trust to not cheat on me if I was ever careless of our relationship.

When he walked past me with a cold expression I knew I had lost his trust, I had lost the way he looked at me. The way he looked at me like he would be my shield in everything. We've made it to nearly a month of knowing each other and I couldn't fucking get my mind off him.

I got dressed for lunch and knocked on my parents' door, my mother slowly came out. "Honey..." Without her speaking another word I knew we weren't going out. "It's okay, don't worry I get it." I smiled at my mother who had pity written all over her face. "I'm going to go on a walk." I smile before heading downstairs, heading outside. Every part about this house felt treacherous, felt very unpromising. The feeling that in a few months when our deal is done, the memories made in that house will no longer matter. After all, I fell in love with a bolter, a man who doesn't like commitment. It was a mistake.

Dante being a bolter meant that no matter what happened, one way or the other, anything between us wouldn't work. Sure he was nice sometimes but he's still an ass. Everything he does in his life, he does for the benefit of it. I wouldn't be surprised if his relationship with Sebastain is for benefits.

This is why I don't do fake relationships, because they're stupid.

I walked into the beautiful garden behind the house, and a hidden beautiful mini house caught my attention. Slowly walking in I noticed the dead lilies inside, they must havebeen there for ages, I thought.

My attention went to my phone as it continuously buzzed in my pocket. Seb ;)

I ignore it and keep staring at the dead lilies, how lifeless they were.

I wish I had known about this garden, I would have taken care of it a long time ago. This graden feels like my safe space, it's so peaceful you could hear a hairpin drop. When Amber starts calling me, I have no choice but to pick up. "Did you forget about me?" She laughed through the phone, I didn't realize how much I missed her stupid silly laugh. "Believe it or not I miss you, like a lot. It's like hell here, imagine being stuck with an asshole." I say walking out of the garden. "Do you want to come over, you're only ten minutes away..." Amber asked and I noticed how I started walking faster, "obviously, I'm on my way Ams." I say walking up to the gates, the guards stopping me.

"Dante let me leave." I muttered opening the door for myself, it was locked. "I'll make him fire you, if you don't open this damn door." I retorted, as the guard unlocked the door. "Asshole" I muttered to myself before stopping a taxi.

Giving the Taxi my location, he started to drive. The Taxi driver was a middle aged man, he had pictured a young girl in the front of the car. "Your daughter is beautiful." I let out earning a soft smile, "thank you Miss." He said, he seemed like a nice man, a nice father. "Do you want me to turn on the radio?" The Taxi driver asks, "It's ok, I'm just thinking about life." I smile to the driver.

Once we got to Amber's house I thanked him, giving him a tip, and walk to Amber's house.

Before I could even open the door Amber swung it open, wrapping her arms around me. "You bitch, I missed you so much." She said let me go, and I smiled at her. "No one could ever replace you." I smiled as I jumped on her couch, I miss living with her.

"How's Romeo?" She winked at me, she couldn't possibly be on his team. "He fucking punched his best friend for touching my thigh, and then kissed me!" I say angrily, Amber is silent for a moment before letting out a scream. "Was it like a sexy 'you're all mine' kinda kiss?" She asked, I glared at her.

"Amber this man is a fucking scumbag, he's like mentally ill." I laugh at the thought of it, he was pretty dumb.

Eating a slice of pizza I turned the TV on, as me and Amber started to binge watch our favorite show, Grey's Anatomy.

I hadn't noticed how much I missed Amber until now, she was my best friend, my sister, my true soulmate. I had always seen people not like being an only child but with Amber, I felt like I had a sister everyday of my life. Amber was a heck of a good person, she had guts. When we were kids I would get picked on continuously, Amber never let another kid bother me when we became friends. I guess you could say she literally is my savior. We were halfway through the last episode when Amber's eyes were slowly closing. I smiled as I watched her slowly close her eyes. Whenever I was with Amber the world around us didn't matter, it was us against the world.

Insanely loud knocks were on her door, frightening the both of us. "It's probably just the landlord." She mumbled before the door got kicked open, breaking most of it. My eyes drift to the male, Sebastian was standing there with a worried look on his face.
"What the hell asshole!" She yelled at him, crossing her arms on her chest. "You've been gone for five fucking hours, Dante is losing his mind." He told me, causing me to frown. "He's not losing his mind, he only cares about his public image. not because Evelyn is gone. He's losing his mind because he doesn't want the public to know about this shit." I said unpleased with the fact of going back, I hated it there.

When I looked at Amber she was screening a slight smile at Seb who continued to smile back. "Seriously?" I say disappointed, "I'm not going back Seb, your friend knows why." I said sitting down and turning on the TV again.

In a small time of ten minutes someone lifted me up, I recognized his scent, he was here. How did he get here so fast?

"Let me go!!" I screamed as I kick his knees, dropping to the ground. Seb and Amber slowly walk out giving the two of us space, space that wasn't needed. "I'm not coming back." I said standing up heading to the couch. Dante snatched the remote from my hand as he sat beside me. I turned to face him, his expression was unreadable.

"I tried to hate you for throwing away the kiss, but I couldn't. You're my wife for now, I don't want to keep arguing." He said, taking a long breath. "I'm your fake wife." I pause to look at him, " Come home, your mom is going to leave tonight." He said nervously. "I will come back before they leave and come back here, to amber." I say, "you're so fucking stubborn, I should've just married someone else." He said, "yeah you should've." I say to him, noticing his patience was running out. "You really are an ass." Dante says before I walk out, Seb and Amber looked at me, their eyes full of secrets.

"Let's go Seb." I said to him walking to his car, me and Dante were back to hating each other. 

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Have a wonderful day <3

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