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I sit in the lecture hall where at the podium Mr. WIlliam is giving a speech. "For those of you who passed the test, you can go ahead and go to the hospital to complete your assignment. The rest of you, you get a re-try until you pass it." Mr. Williams says with an annoyed expression on his face.

Out of the entire class only me and four others passed the test. I'd be lying if I said I'm not surprised. The red circled A+ had me shocked. I didn't even study for it, just decided to wing it, and the ones who really did study failed it. This must be a sign. Maybe I am smarter than I think.

I get up from my chair gathering all my stuff, and walk out the hall doors. I hold the door patiently for the others as they walk out. After a minute of holding the door, I leave it and walk to my ratty old car. The thing is, my family isn't rich or poor. My parents were middle class citizens who have always abided by the rules. They hated breaking the law, it was as if they would be murdered for it. Turning on the Radio, I started driving to the hospital to start my shift.

    I was studying at NYU to become a doctor, it had always been my dream to help people, cliche I know. Everytime someone would ask me what superpower I wish I had, I'd always say healing people. It broke my heart to see people hurting, children especially. Maybe because I was hurting and no one noticed. Some people deserve to get hurt, like some men for example. The men who have big egos, or the men that sleep around with millions of women because why not, they won't get labeled as a "slut". I call them pussies. I mean why wouldn't you want to be with someone who just gives you butterflies or fireworks when you're around them? Too bad people like that don't exist.

    I park my car once I arrive at the hospital, gathering all my things, I walk through the doors. I see a flash of red hair before I'm suddenly attacked by my best friend Amber's embrace "Evie, Hey!" She giggles at me, attacking me with kisses on my cheeks. I laugh at her before pulling away.

I've known Amber since we were in diapers, she's basically my sister and the only one who really understands me. We always knew we were going to stick together in life so the joy we felt when we both got the job as nurses in the same hospital was unimaginable. We couldn't be more opposites, Amber radiates sunlight and is the happiest person you'll ever meet, while I'm...not.

"How was Mr. Williams' class?" She asks me, as I start to braid my brunette hair. I open my mouth to speak but my instructor calls me. I frown at Amber before walking to Dr. Jones.

"Good morning Dr. Jones." I greet her politely, with a small smile.

"Evelyn, good. Your first patient is waiting for you, take care of him and come back." She tells me, causing me to internally scream.

"My shift doesn't start for another 20 minutes Dr. Jones" I try to say as politely as I can.

"You do what I tell you to do, you don't want me to fire you do you." She says. Bitch. She knows how much I need this job.

"Of course not, I'll go check." I walk down the hall annoyed. Slowly peeking through the door I see a man sitting on the bed, his face covered in cuts and bruises. Clearing my throat I walk through the door, quickly heading inside.

"Hello I'm nurse Beaumont I'll be taking care of you today."

"Whatever, get this done fast." He speaks up in a deep thick voice.

Of course the grumpy asshole sounds hot. I don't turn around as I have no interest in talking with a patient, at least not today. Especially not a patient who was the reason I had to start my shift early. Don't get me wrong I don't hate my job I chose it for a reason, I just like sticking to a schedule. I put on the blue gloves and grab an Alcohol wipe to clean off his cuts. It looked as if he was involved in a fist fight, like the ones in the movies. The ones where the guy fights with a whole gang like a superhero. Taking a deep long breath, I turn around placing a small smile and walk to him, standing in front of him. He hisses as soon as I place the cloth on the cut on his cheek, his eyes were fixated on me or more specifically my body. Men are disgusting these days.

"How'd you get hurt?" I ask him cleaning off the cuts with another alcohol wipe,

"A stupid fight." He muttered as his eyes met mine. For the entire fifteen minutes that I've been in this stupid room our eyes lock for the first time.

I have never known anyone with gray eyes, I don't even think anyone in New York has gray eyes. His eyes were a shade of gray that definitely didn't exist because he was beautiful. He had long curly lashes that framed his gray eyes, a strong nose, and those god, perfect pillowy lips. His slight under eye bags were red, as if he was a workaholic or just an alcoholic. He sure as hell didn't look like one though.
I pull away and grab some bandaids, putting them in his hands.

"Put these on your cuts, and this-" I hand him a cream, "put it on your bruises twice a day." I say my eyes looking into his, yet again. "Anything else?" I ask him taking my gloves off.

"How about dinner?" He speaks up with a smirk catching me off guard, he was one of those men huh, not surprised. What the hell was wrong with the men of this generation?

"I'm sorry but I can't do that, Sir. I don't go out with patients." I speak up, flashing him a slight smile after seeing his smirk drop before opening the door and walking out.

"Oh my goodness are you okay? Dr. Jones is a bitch for making you start your shift early" Amber says worried,

"Its fine I get bonus points for it." I say ignoring the feeling of anger in me, continuing walking with Amber. "Have you figured out how to pay off your dads debt yet?" She asks, triggering the volcano of anger already inside of me.

"Does it look like I have the money to pay it off Amber?" I say angrily almost yelling at her, and instead of being upset that I yelled at her, she laughs at me.

    "I told you to marry a rich man..." Amber speaks up, causing me to groan, "I'm a rich man." Says a familiar voice behind me. I turn around to see the same man I helped. Shit.

Hey lovelies! Hope you all enjoy this chapter don't forget to vote and comment! And we'll see you in the next one!

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