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          He flashes me a smile before walking up to me- to us. "Mind if I steal her for a minute?" He asks and Amber practically melts, I force myself to not roll my eyes. "Not at all Romeo." Amber says winking, earning a death glare from me, shit.

"Thanks sweetheart." The man says pulling me into a room. There's an awkward silence between us, but thankfully he speaks up, his voice still thick and dark. "So, if I understand correctly you need a... what did she call it-" he snaps, "rich husband." he finishes with a tilt of his lips.

"Listen...buddy, that's none of your business. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go murder Amber." I mutter trying to get out of the room only to realize I'm stuck, because smartass here is blocking the door with his tall muscular body. "It's Dante, 25." He says filled with ego, "Didn't ask and not interested, now move." I respond.

          I notice the shocked expression on this guy's face, huh, seems like Dante over here is used to getting what he wants. 100 bucks says its girls. "Okay look, I have a proposal-" I glare, "not that kind of proposal Jesus, unless you want it to be." He smirks,

"Unbelievable" I stare in disbelief.

"Kidding. Look, I couldn't help but overhear you need some money and I've got lots. I can give you as much as you want "

"Is that supposed to impress me" I scoff. "Fuck, are you always this difficult?"

"Says the person who doesn't understand the meaning of no" I retort annoyed.

"You could have left"

"you're blocking the door asshole!"

          The nerve of this guy, now I was really getting pissed. Dr. Jones would realize I was missing soon enough and throw a fit I couldn't deal with right now. I needed to get this over with.

"Spit it out, finish whatever you were going to say so I can leave." Now he looked pissed too as he runs a strong hand through his thick, tousled, almost black, hair.

          He blew out a breath and continued, "Here's the deal, I need a wife and you need money. If you agree to get married, then I'll pay off every single debt you have."

           Shock, I was in shock. No, maybe I was dreaming or I died. This wasn't real.

"Like your real wife?" I ask, earning a nod, "only for a few months." He says dead serious.

          Dead. I'm dead. The hysterical laugh that pours out of me doubles me over. "God-" I say 5 minutes after laughing my ass off, wiping the tears pouring out of my eyes. "You're serious" He really looks pissed now. The scowl on his face is very prominent.

"I'm sorry, but you can't be serious. What did you expect me to say?"

"Yes." he mutters displeased. "Right because
everyone just falls at your feet. Look I appreciate the offer, really I do but I would rather drown myself before I came to someone like you for help

"Someone like me." He scoffs. "Yes, someone like you, arrogant, egotistical and ignoring all of that, you're in an ER for god sake looking like you just got out of a fist fight. So, no thanks." I finish, pushing past him and out the door, clearly done with this conversation, but of course, this guy never gives up. Following me out the room he says,

"Think whatever you want to think about me Beaumont, but here's my card. I have a feeling you'll be needing it soon." He hands me his card and before I can reply, the asshole walks out of the hospital.

          I turn the card over in my hands still not believing what happened. Dante Romano, CEO of Romano Enterprises. Shit. This guy wasn't just rich, he was filthy rich. Romano Enterprises was known as one of the top, if not the top company in New York. Even I knew who they were, meaning they really were something. Antonio Romano was the Chairman of Romano Enterprises, and guessing by his name, Dante had to be his son. Tucking the card in my scrubs, I gather my thoughts and walk out looking for Ms. Jones. When I find her she looks at me with a malicious look.

"Ms. Jon-'' before I'm even able to continue she interrupts me, "Beaumont, you're dismissed...permanently."

"What. I started my shift early, when I could have easily been an ass and denied. You can't fucking fire me!" I say loosing my temper, "Well you're fucking dismissed permantly, Jesus, learn some manners." She says walking away with a smug expression, leaving me frozen. What the hell just happened.

Hello lovelies! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote and we'll see you in the next one!

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