Getting under Jonathan's skin was never a hard thing to do for me. So when I saw his fist tighten at his side slightly, I scoffed under my breath. I didn't want to piss him off today of all days though I wasn't going to let him try to intimidate me with lies either.

"You think you're so smart." Jonathan stated.

I shrugged, taking another sip of water, "From time to time."

"You seem to know how to make yourself feel at home." He gestured to the glass of water.

Giving a small chuckle, "It's just water."

"Yea and going straight upstairs when you arrived too."

"I just do what Martha tells me to do."

"Like a lap dog." Seriously.

"What's your problem with me now Jonathan?" I asked, moving towards the counter near by placing my glass down and leaning back crossing my arms, "I haven't falsely accused you of beating your wife again. So what is it?"

"You Ryan, you are my problem. Always have been."

I tilted my head to the side, feeling my eyebrows inch together, "Want to expand on that feeling?"

"Not particularly. Except for the fact that you are here during the one time of year I never had to worry about seeing your face."

"Is it wrong that I wanted to spend the holidays doing something different?"

"What other than wallowing in grief?" My lips tightened, I didn't want to show that his words were getting to me. "This is my time with my family."

A very small sarcastic chuckle left my mouth, "What?" Jonathan asked.

"You know you say this is your time with your family yet you've fucked up many opportunities to have time with them. So please save me the speech. Just because you act all high mighty now doesn't change the facts that you need to accept."

"Which are what?" He spat.

"Fucking your Paralegal actually has consequences.", The condescending tone was evident.

Jonathan began taking steps forward, "You smug piece of shit." I knew he was about to do something stupid.

Once he was close enough he grabbed my shirt pushing me into the counter space, "Jonathan, you don't want to do this. Not today."

"Why not?" He was breathing heavily with an intense look in his eyes, "I see the way you look at her."

Huh? "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Martha! Since the day I met you."

He's got to be fucking kidding me, he's want to talk about this now?!

"Look I may not have fucking liked you, hell I don't even respect you but I never stopped you from being with her." I pushed him off as he backed up slightly.

"Yea cause you were too much of a coward."

"I think you are the last fucking person to be talking about being a coward. I'm not the one who fucked my paralegal because he was too insecure."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh don't I? You didn't cheat on Martha because she wasn't beautiful enough or the sex was up to par for you. Only a self destructive idiot would cheat on a woman like that."

"Shut the hell up!" Jonathan wasn't listening, all he saw was red. I predicted where his anger was going to be aimed as I ducked out of the way missing his right hook. I moved quickly so that I was no longer cornered against the counter as Jonathan crashed into it. Composing myself, I waited as Jonathan turned around and went to tackle me. I swung once at Jonathan hitting him right in the left cheek causing him to stumble back.

Everything & More (Book 1 in the E.C.N Series)Where stories live. Discover now