The house was abandoned, I saw broken windows as I ran past. After that there were more lone trees. I eventually exhausted my stamina. I was at an excellent condition but it still has been a while since I needed to run for a living. Probably not my best getaway.

There were branches cracking in the distance. Even though it wasn't close, even if I was here for this exact reason, even not knowing if it was actually dangerous... I felt spooked beyond measure.

Mere trees looked so ominous. I began singing as I walked deeper into the darkness. And then I saw the eyes. Just briefly there and gone. My legs locked up and I didn't want to be here anymore. I didn't want to be eaten alive. I hated this place. I wanted to go home.

Pushing away all the things I couldn't attain, I walked into a branch and scratched my face. Complained loudly. Nothing came for me. Sighed nervously and kept walking. Stumbled into tall grass, another step landed me in a puddle. Found silently gurgling stream, it would appear. No mysterious water creature popped out beckoning me to drown, which was frankly disappointing. Sighed and stepped to walk in the middle of it. If I was pursued, maybe this would help me cover the tracks?

It wasn't deep enough to swim, nor was that something I desired to attempt in the pitch darkness. Walked myself back into the reeds on more than one occasion. Slipped. Cut myself on the rocks. Not had a great time, so to say. Nothing ate me, even though I heard movement around.

Climbed out on a lighter stretch when it presented and curled up on the grass. Shivered from extreme cold. Didn't feel my legs again. Damp ground wasn't kind to a naked skin. Why must I still be so miserable? I guess I could just cut myself to bleed out and be done with. I'll do that in the morning once I can look for some broken glass or similar around. Should have taken the jagged rocks with me.

The ancient horror probably wasn't coming anyway. A bit conceited of me to think it would have. But then again, some freaks had way too much free time on their hands and absolutely loved when something didn't go to plan for once in their perfect lives. Hard to say.

I did walk far. Had no clue as to the direction. Probably nowhere near the city. If I stumble upon a road, could maybe find some old signs with helpful arrows. Not that I had reason to ever go back there.

Kept trying to turn my swirling thought vortex away from the great many upsetting things. And the cold helped, forcing me back into the moment. I'd pass out from exhaustion, wake up ten minutes later to shiver. Pass out again. Sun began rising but its rays weren't warming. Eventually the temperature must have risen just enough to keep me under for several hours.

I woke up with a pained groan. Joints were locked up. Was not having a great time. I tried to sit and must have snagged on some branches. Planted my face into the dirt. Outstanding morning. Exactly what I needed to keep desiring to stick around, world. Good job.

To top that off, I felt unmistakable reverberation through the ground. Absolutely outstanding.

"Baby! You've found me!" I exclaimed shrilly in my airheaded girlfriend tone. "I was so terrified." Winced. Was not my best attempt. Sweetness and not sarcasm, dipshit. Playing dumb hurt less than the alternatives. Put your back into it.

Demon hadn't dignified it with a reply.

Patting my side to look for whatever that's managed to catch on the skimpy string, found that it was actually another string. Hooks clasped together. Why was I still wearing this? Made not much of a difference nakedness wise.

Undid the snag – they were not much of a problem if it's just an odd one and not whole row. But there was second. And the third, all in weird places. What the hell? My stiff and frozen over body certainly did not flip around so much to warrant all of this tangle. Eyes found the reason for my discomfort who stood still in the shadows, pretending it wasn't here at all.

Mad God's Love [Dark, enemies-to-lovers BL]Where stories live. Discover now