New Heeler-Collie Pup!

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I woke up this morning to a nauseous day, Nick stayed with me all day long until...

"Bingo, you ready for your appointment?" Nick asked me, "Yes babe, I am." We walked out of the house to the car, where Bluey and Mack we waiting.

"Oh? Nick you aren't driving?" I asked him, "No... I wanted to sit with you." He told me, he didn't seem sure of his response...

"Oh... Okay Hun." I said to him, he looked pale.

"Bingo...?" He asked, "Yea Hun?"

Nick seemed scared and confused, was he alright? "You... You wouldn't break up with me would you?"

"What? What kinda silly question is that Hun?" I asked him, "I'm sorry, I just keep having dreams." He said.

"Nick, it's okay to have nightmares, but just remember that I'm always here and I won't ever leave your side." Told him and kissed him. He seemed to calm down.


In all honesty, I didn't have a nightmare, I've been trying to keep it a secret, but my fur has been turning white lately. I have to keep applying dye to my fur, I'm surprised no one notices yet.

As we arrived at the doctor's office, Bingo is told she can have the C-section! She wanted the procedure to be done and over with, so they decided to have it done. While she was in the operating room, I asked my doctor to see me for my fur problem.

"So doc, what is it?" I asked.

"Mr husk... How do I say this? You have cancer." She said.

"W-what? Is it deadly?" I asked.

"Oh heavens no, you are very lucky. Although, your fur will become grey and decolored in time. We can do some treatment for it, but we are unsure how long it would take.

"Well that's a relief. How would we go about it?" I asked her, "Just take these twice a day, preferably around time when you eat a meal." She told me.

"Thank you, have a good one." I told her as I left. "You as well, good luck."

As Bingo came back from the operation, so did Bluey and Macks new pup. His name is Margo. He is a blue Border-Collie with the same birthmark Bingo had on her leg. I guess a gene or two passed over from Bingo as well.

"Hey honey..." Bingo said tiredly, "You alright?" She asked me, I didn't notice, but I was staring off again.

"Oh... Yes honey, just happy is all." I said, not wanting to break the news to her just after her surgery.

As Bingo stayed in the clinic to rest for a few days, I stayed with her. I wouldn't let her be alone, and she loved me for it. Nav came by one of the days to say hi, as she missed her mum and dad.

"Hey pumpkin!" I said, picking her up.

"Hi dad! Mumma, are you okay?" Nav said as she was let down she went straight to her mum.

"Yes honey I am, it all went great." She told her pup. Maybe I should tell Bingo after Nav leaves...

When Bluey and Mack came in to say hello, they stayed for an hour before taking Nav home with them. I guess I had to tell Bingo at some point.

"Bingo honey... I need to come clean about something." I told her and sat down. "Oh? Is something wrong Nick?" She asked puzzled.

"Bingo, before I go on, I want you to know that I can't die from this, and I am getting treated for it." I said, "Babe, you're starting to scare me." She said.

"I have cancer honey..." I said, "Nick... You sure you can't pass from it?" She asked, worried.

"I am sure. It's a fur condition that weakens my fur and turns it grey, one sec." I turned to the restroom and washed out the dye. I came back half saturated. "Oh my... Nick... Is your fur going to fall out?" She asked.

"Not particularly, but the doctor said I may never get my color back naturally." I told her. She didn't seem to have to much worry now. "Nick, I don't care what color your fur is. You are my husband and I will love you no matter what you look like." She hugged me, when we heard a knock the door.

"Bingo Husk-Heeler?"

At our wedding, Bingo and I decided to combine our last names.

"Yes?" She asked, "You are being discharged, you may go home when you'd like." The nurse said.

"That's great, may I go now?" Bingo asked, "you may."

As we left the doctors, I asked Bingo if I should have put the dye back in... She told me no, and to embrace the nature of my fur.

"How do we tell the others? Even Nav?" I asked her, "Like we always do" we walked into the house, "Family Meeting!" She yelled.

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