Makenzie gets hurt

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As I'm writing this, I want y'all to know I do not intend for this to be "that" kind of story, we shall move forward normally.


It was time for me and Mackenzie to have our 5th anniversary, which I've been waiting for for so long.

I can't get him out of my head! I love that Collie as much as I loved ice cream as a kid!

Dad had gotten me and Bingo phones, mostly bc of Bingo (she is now 3 months in, and has mood swings every now and then) she hadnt gone to school since the day, bc she thought everyone would hurt her, or worse...

Just then a chime came from my phone, it was Bingo

Sis: Bluey, can you c'mere?
Me: sure Bingy, what's up?
Sis: just... Please? Something isn't right.

Not a good sign, I rushed to Bingos side, knowing full well she was in pain.
"Bingo, you okay sis?"
She met me quick with a response
"No... I don't feel like I can move"
She burst into a crying fit saying she wasn't strong enough to be a mom.
"Bingo..." I wanted to help, but only one person could... Jack.

Me: hey Jack you there?
Jack: hey Bluester, what's good?
Me: I can tell you one thing, Bingo isn't.
Jack: Oh no, did something go wrong with our baby!?
Me: oh goodness no! I'll call you hold up.
Jack: okay.

I don't even get to hear the damn thing ring, he picked up so fast.
"Is she okay? I hear crying Bluey!"
"I'm not sure Jack, she won't talk to me, I need you over here now." I said sternly.
"Will do, tell Bingo I'm on my way!"
"Can do."

With telling Bingo her future husband was making his way over, she seemed to have less of a fit. That's when I got a call, it was the hospital downtown...

"Is this Bluey Heeler?" The lady seemed to sound worried.
"Yes Ma'am, why have you called?"
"You seemed to be in Mackenzie Collies list of emergency names, and we wanted to let you know he is here"
This was a stagger at the soul...
"What? What happened!?" I said eagerly.
"He was said to be walking along the street, when a car involved in a chase struck him."
"No, nonono please tell me I can visit him!"
"You may, he has underwent treatment, he is lucky it wasn't too serious."
Thank God. "I'll be there soon!"
"Alrighty, g'day miss Heeler, drive safe."
"Thank you for calling!"

Jack was at the door when I was about to leave, not realizing Bingo was still having a panic fit upstairs.
"Oh Jack, I'm sorry I forgot about Bingo, I got a call from the hospital, Kenzie was hit by a runaway car!"
"Oh my, tell me how it goes, I need to see Bingo though."
"Right, good luck."
"Bye Bluey!"

When I arrived at the clinic, they guided me right to Kenzie, who lay dormant on his bed in a cast around his leg and a splint on his wrist.

"Kenzie oh my God I'm so happy your okay!" I say rushing to his side.
"You know I wouldn't leave you that easily my Blu-" I cut him off kissing him, I didn't care if he had stitches, I wanted to hold him, as he would me in this situation. For some reason he tapped out of the kiss... Why?
"I'm sorry Blues, but that hurt like hell, as much as I enjoyed it."
I felt down, for causing my man pain.
"Hey don't worry, I'll be out of here in enough time, a few more hours in fact."

That's a relief, I thought he was gonna say a few days.

"Happy anniversary Blues."
After all that... He still cared enough to remember.
"You still remembered?"
"Of course! How can I not? I have the love of my life right in front of me! Everytime I look at you, I remember that exact day in your house. God it feels just like yesterday."

Wow, he is the best man I could have chosen to be my bf, I love him so damn much.

"Hey Blu?"
"Yes Hun?" I ask eagerly.
"C'mere really quick" as he tapped his bed like I was a... Dog... Dammit Kenz!
"Okay okay, what is it?"
He pulled me into his bed, throwing me on top of him, I heard him yip in pain, but soon his body relaxed.
"If this hurts you Kenz, we can stop. There's no need to-"
He cuts me off with, "it's not that, you just elbowed my crotch on the way down..."
"OH MY, I'm so sorry Ke-" I tried to get up but he kept me there.
"It doesn't matter now, what matters is you're right here with me, as I am with you"
"Even if it ain't what we pictured for our anniversary, I'm still happy I am able to spend it with you. In any way, shape, or form."

Dammit Kenzie, now I want to just... God dammit I know I shouldn't but...

I lightly tap him as he answered,
"Yes Blu?"
"I want to have a baby Kenzie..."
"Woah woah what? Blues, when did this come up?"
"I just... We are 17 now... I want to be a family with you and a little one running around. Please?" I use my please face as best I can.
"Bluey honey, you know I can't move the greatest right now, so I won't be able to find a job to support that."
He was right... Even if it hurt he was right.
"How about once I get better and start working, then maybe we can get settled in?"
I loved that idea
"Yes! God I love you my little Collie Flower!"
"Collie flower!? Now that's a new one! Guess it's settled my Blueberry"

God I love that pet name.

Blue and Black Hearts+Red And Black Fur (One Ship+Another)Where stories live. Discover now