Nick's New job.

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I really wonder what job Macks boss has for me. I need to still rest though, it's been hard for Bingo and I to keep going, but we keep reminding ourselves that our loves is an unbreakable bond. We need to keep going for Nav. I... Need to keep going.

I walked into the store, great another grocery store job...

Wait... This is a Hugo's!?

"Good morning sir, how may I help you?" "Wait... Nick!?"

It was an old manager of mine...

"Lavetta! It's been ages!" I said happy to see her again.

We shared a hug, as she saw my leg.

"Oh no, did it get worse?" She said concerned.

"Yea, I slipped on the ice in that dumb parking lot back home, but a few new buddies of mine are letting me live with them until I get back on my feet."

"That's good to hear, but what about your mom?"

"She passed in an accident... So did Matt."

"Oh my, sorry Nick. Is that her around your neck?" She asked point ing at the necklace.

"Yes, but back to more important matters, My mate Mack told me that I could have a job here? I was appointed an interview."

"So you're the one Christy has been on about, she's upstairs, I'll call her down."

I was excited to see some familiar faces again, even if it was just one.

"Hi... Wait Nickolye? That you?" Christy saw me standing with Lavetta, as she approached I felt a sense of home... It was comforting to say the least.

"Hiya Christy, it's been a bit."
I said within my new accent.

"Well, your attitude hasn't changed, but you speak quite differently now."

"I guess that's just how it be nowadays." I said.

"Well, Nick, I would say I'd rehire you, but you seem to be in a bad condition."
She was on about my leg, which I knew would come up.

"Unfortunately yes, I can barely stand on my own for the time being, I've been in this cast for about a year or so now. I fractured it in 4 places back home." I said.

"So you just have recently moved here?"
She asked likes it's only been a few weeks since I left town.

"Nah, been about the same year in time actually, but I must know, why are you eager to have me? Mack was saying you were excited to meet me."

"He's been on about how much of a great person you are, I guess it reminded me of you, guess I was right eh?" She chuckled.

"I suppose, but I'm not sure if I want to be back in this kind of work... Considering the incidences last time."

She looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Did she really not know?

"Wait, did Andrew and Jenna never tell you about what happened between me and Kal?"

"Not once, what seemed to be the matter?"

Damn, Kals gonna be in trouble after this.

I spoke with Christy about Kals behaviors which I won't get into here bc they are too personal.

"I see, I will be seeing what I can do about that in Fosston, but for now comes business." She said looking down on me.

"Nick, before you left I was going to ask you to be our new manager, would you like the job here instead?"

Wait... Really?

I wanted to say yes, but she added even more.

"This manager job is actually one of the best we have. It is more of a stay at home job, and Mackenzie, who I'm sure is who you mean, was talking to me about how you have a little one now. So I figured I may as well point this out to you, so that way it won't interfere with you and your family."

I can't believe it, finally something good for once!

"Thank you, I'll take the job, although, it may take another month before I can begin." I said, she seemed to know this full well.

"I understand Nick, come back to work when you are ready, I will be waiting, and so will the 23$ an hour."

23$ an hour!? Just for a manger job!?

"Thank you, but why 23$?" I said, "isn't it a bit much for a manager?"

"Maybe so..." She said, "but after what you went through at my other establishment... I think it's in order."

"Thank you Christy, I'd be delighted to come back. I will keep you updated on my recovery." I said happy that I can finally have a job again.. in time.

"You are welcome Nick, and welcome back. I hope it goes better for you here." She said giving me a smile.

"I'm sure it will, and thanks again."
I said, thankful that someone has helped me out.

"Anyday Nick, have a good one"

"You as well."

I did it Mom... I finally am becoming something...

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