Police come around

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I was awoken by a loud banging on the door. Bingo shot up as well, as Chilli and Bandit came down the stairs and told us to stay seated on the couch, knowing that we were both tired from last night. They opened the door and two police officers were standing at the door.

"Good morning Ma'am, does anydog by the name of Nickolye live here?"

"Yes, is there something wrong?"
Chilli was quite confused as to why they were looking for me, and she turned and looked at me as if I did something. What could this be about?

"I'm here officers, you may come in. That is if you have a warrant." I said politely.

"We do, we have an arrest warrant actually." She said.


"Nick are you aware that having intercourse with a minor is unacceptable in Australia?"

"I'm sorry, I do know this, but this is confusing, Bingo and I have done no such thing." I said protecting myself.

"That's true officers, not once!" Bingo said.

"Well, we had received a call from someone about this, until we can be sure that Naveiha is not your biological daughter, I'm afraid we don't have a choice."

The officer wanted to place me in handcuffs, and told me my rights as an American. As I still am registered as an American citizen and would be trialed as one.

"Do you understand these rights I have read you?" She said.

"Yes Ma'am, but may I ask for one thing?" I asked pleadily.

"What may it be?"

"I want a paternity test done for Naveiha and I, to prove I am innocent."

"The test results would solve this right away officers, please let it be done!" Bingo pleaded with the officers.

"If it is what you wish, then yes."
The officers brought us to the hospital, where we got the test done.

"Mr husk, you are free to go. The evidence is clear here, you are not the father."

"He's my dad to me, that's all that matters!" Nav said hugging me.

"Sorry for the trouble officers..." I said.

"We are sorry, hope we didn't ruin your day." They said hoping I understood.

"Not a problem at all, but, who called this in?" I asked, pretty sure who it was already.

"His name was Jack Russel, if I remember correctly." Great, more shit from him!

"Well officers, I will be happy to tell you that Naveiha is actually Jacks biological daughter, and that it can be proven this very same way." I said.

"Well then, how old is the kid?"

"He's not a kid miss, he is the same age as I."

"And he was the same age then when me and him... Ya know." Bingo pipped in.

"He came unto me, trying to get me with him, I had problems back then that I thought he'd be able to help with... But he couldn't keep his own head straight either..." Bingo said crying.

"Bingo, did Jack rape you?" I asked.

She nodded...

"What address is this Jack fellow, I'd like a word with him" said the deputy.

"We know exactly where, you may follow us in the cruiser if you like." I said.

I could tell they wanted to rough Jack up, but I wanted to get to him first.

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