Mack and Bluey's Problem...

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Kenz and I have been trying for our kid for months now. Why isn't it working? Is there something wrong?

"Still nothing." I told Kenz

I took another pregnancy test that morning, and still no results.

"I'd hate to say it Blues, but should we see a doctor?" He asked me.

"I-I guess." I said, hoping it wasn't anything wrong.

We scheduled an appointment for that afternoon, as they weren't too booked in.

"Okay, we have a appointment at 2 pm." Kenzie said to me.

"Kenz... What if I'm...?" I asked trying not to cry.

"Bluey I'm sorry, but I won't lie to you, maybe one of us is, but there are other ways we can have a kid." He told me, I loved that he was honest, even if it was brutal at times.

"I-Im sorry, I don't know why..." I started to cry, he hugged me tightly.

"Blues, I wouldn't care if you were or not. We can get through this, plus we aren't even for sure yet."

He was right, we won't be sure until we go.

"Okay, let's go to the doc then." I told him.


We got to the doctor, and it wasn't as bad as we thought.

"Mackenzie, you are not able to help in the conceiving of a child. However, we can medically help you in this, we can take a sperm sample and induce it, making it possible for you guys to conceive a child with your genetics."

"That's wonderful doctor, but you said there was another problem?"

"There is Im afraid, Bluey, even if you are able to conceive, the odds of a miscarriage is likely, due to your mother's genetic makeup, it has been passed unto you." The doctor was not at all happy for us, "If you can find someone to help, there is a chance that you may be able to have your child."

"There is one person, but I'm not sure if she'd want to do it." Bluey said.

"Are you talking about Bingo?" I asked her.

"Yes... But if she does do this, there is a chance she won't have anymore kids in the future."

"We will need time to talk this over, thank you doc."

We made another appointment for the following week, we just hoped we could find someone.

We got home to Bingo and Nick with Nav on the couch, watching cartoons.

"Hey guys, can we talk?" Bluey asked.

"Sure, what's wrong? You look upset sis."
"Yea Mack what's the sitch?" They asked.

"Bluey, do you wanna-?"

"Yea... So, we went to the doctor and they told us that Mackenzie isn't able to fully help in the conceiving of our baby, which is treatable." She began.

"Oh, okay that's... Good somewhat." Bingo and Nick said.

"But there's another problem, I have mom's genetics, where I can not house a baby, and I had a question..."

"Of course Bluey! I'll do anything to see you happy!" Bingo said hugging her.

"You're not worried Nick?" I asked him.

"It's all Bingos choice to make, I'll be there to help her just as I did before, even more so now that I'm back on my feet." Nick said, man, I love this family.

"So, you will?" I asked Bingo, holding back tears of joy.

"Yes! A thousand times yes!" Bingo let all her tears flow with me, we truly were connected.

"Okay, should I set that appointment with the doctor?" Kenzie asked.

"Yes, we are ready." Bingo and I said in unison.

"Thank you Bingo, really." I said to her hugging the heck out of her now.

"You'd do best to keep me alive sis." She said nearly passing out.

"Oh! Sorry!" I said nervously.

Bingo and Nick are going to help! I really hope nothing else goes wrong...

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