The Creek

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This is a story of a Blue Heeler and her friend, a Border-Collie. Their names are Bluey and Mackenzie.


"Mackenzie! Where'd you go?"
I hear him shout from my left, "Over here Blu!" I see him standing in a bush as I turn around, wonder what he was up to...


I honestly can't get her out of my head, I don't know why, but she seems to be more cute than normal... What am I saying? What's this feeling?
I am taken back to reality as she calls out my name, "Over here Blu!" I respond, Why'd I say that!? Oh jeez she's coming over here, don't blush Kenzie... Don't blush, she's just your friend.


"Kenz, what are you doing behind the bush?" Wait, did I call him Kenz? I look up to see his face beginning to have a strip of red blush on his face, did he, like it?
"Oh ya know, just enjoying nature, I guess" Mackenzie responded nervously. He walked away with his head down and seemed to be shivering.


Is he okay? I should follow him.


Why did I blush? And why did she call me Kenz? I mean, I like the name, but it's a bit mushy.

Not realizing he was speaking aloud, Bandit finds him.

"Hey kid, whatcha doing out here alone? Bluey has been lookin' for ya"
Me? Why me? "Oh sorry Mr. Heeler, I guess I should get going huh?" Before I could move, Bandit stopped me. "Mackenzie, you have a crush on my daughter don't you?" A CRUSH? Maybe, I don't know, guess I should ask him. "I'm not sure Mr. Heeler, could you explain what a crush is?" Bandit looks at me in a sincere way, and asks me, "Do you find Bluey cute in a way?" How did he...? "Uh-, *Ahem* Yes sir." I say in a monotone voice, trying to sound like a man even though I'm only 7. "Well, I'll tell you what, wait a few years and maybe we can talk about you and my daughter being together, deal?" Is this real? No way right? "You sure Mr. Heeler?" "Please kiddo, call me Bandit"

Blue and Black Hearts+Red And Black Fur (One Ship+Another)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें