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Ivan sat in his car, watching from a distance. He took pictures of Amelia, Kimberly and Alex. He did this for a week until he finally decides to make his move. Amelia was over at her parent's house chilling.

CHERRY:" so when are we going to meet your new boyfriend?"

AMELIA:" I don't know yet! Soon."

SAMANTHA:" I hope he's treating you very well."

AMELIA:" he is actually."

SAMANTHA:" that's great."

CHERRY:" imagine if they have a baby together! The baby would be so cute, especially if the baby has the same eye color as the father."

SAMANTHA:" I know right! I would like for you to have twins."

Amelia sat there listening to her sister's planning on how her life should be. Amelia smiled and said

AMELIA:" you guys are getting awfully excited!"

CHERRY:" well yeah! Of course. Our big sis finally becoming a mom! Just imagine!"

AMELIA:" well it will happen one day."

As they continued their conversation, Amelia got a message on her phone. She got up and head for the door

CHERRY:" you leaving already?"

AMELIA:" yeah! Alex said he has a surprise for me. And that I should let Paul bring me to the location he sent me. So I'm going home to get ready."

SAMANTHA:" okay! Have fun!"

Meanwhile, Kimberly was at home, by herself, watching a movie when she received a notification on her phone. She got up from the couch and went upstairs to get dressed. After she was finished she called a taxi and texted Joshua that she'll be going to have a drink with Amelia. Time passed and Kimberly arrived at the destination. She got out of the car and looked around. The place was quite abandoned and very quiet.

KIMBERLY:" why would Amelia want us to have a drink at such a run down place?"

Kimberly walked inside the building, it was very dark, she could hardly see.

KIMBERLY:" hello! Anyone here!"

From a distance she heard Amelia's voice calling out to her.

AMELIA:" over here!"

Kimberly walked over to where Amelia was. She could see her more clearly.

KIMBERLY:" girl, why would you want us to have drinks at a place like this?"

AMELIA:" huh? What are you talking about? And why are you here?"

KIMBERLY:" what do you mean? You text me saying let's meet up for drinks and you even sent me this location."

AMELIA:" no I didn't text you. Alex texted me saying that he has a surprised for me and sent me this location. That's why I'm here."

KIMBERLY:" so if you didn't text me then who did?"

Just then, the lights inside the warehouse lit up

IVAN:" that would be me!"

Amelia and Kimberly looked up and saw a man dressed in all black, white skin complexion , bald head, round nose, thick body, over 6ft tall, smoking a cigarette.

AMELIA:" who are you?"

IVAN:" my name won't matter! Well... maybe to you... ah fuck it.. my name's Ivan."

KIMBERLY:" what do you mean you sent those text messages?"

IVAN:" I've been given a mission which includes both of you and another person. But I'll save that one for last. I gotta say though... you two are some sexy looking ladies, and to top it off you're both very beautiful. Now I think I might have my way with both of you before I dispose you."

AMELIA:" this guy's crazy! Kimberly let's go!"

As they walked off, Ivan pulled out his gun and shoots it at the door way. Amelia and Kimberly immediately stopped. Ivan walked down the stairs as he said

IVAN:" now now! Where do you think you're going? Why don't you stay? The party's just beginning."

He points the gun at them and tells them to move over into the corner. He tied both of them to a chair. At Amelia's parent's house, cherry noticed that Amelia left something behind. She picked up her phone to call Amelia. It immediately went straight to voicemail. She tried multiple times and couldn't get a hold of her

CHERRY:" what the hell's wrong with her phone?"

SAMANTHA:" what's wrong?"

CHERRY:" Amelia left this and I was just calling her to inform her but I'm not getting through to her."

SAMANTHA:" why don't you try calling her boyfriend?"

CHERRY:" I don't have his number!"

SAMANTHA:" of course we do. Remember that dad was the one who hired him. Dad has all his information."

CHERRY:" oh yeah! I'll be right back."

Cherry went to her father to get Alex contact information. She dialed the number and wait

ALEX:" hello!"

CHERRY:" hi! Alex! This is Amelia's sister, I would like to talk to her for a second she left something and I just want to inform her."

ALEX:" Amelia's not with me at the moment. She said she was going over at her parent's house."

CHERRY:" she was here about two hours ago and she left immediately after you texted her saying you have a surprise for her."

ALEX:" what! I didn't sent her any text messages like that."

CHERRY:" yeah you did! I was calling her phone and it went straight to voicemail."

ALEX:" something's not right! I'm going to have to call you back."

Alex quickly hangs up the phone


SAMANTHA:" did you get through to her?"

CHERRY:" no! He said Amelia's not with him."

SAMANTHA:" why don't you try calling Kimberly?"

Cherry does as she was told. Kimberly's phone also went straight to voicemail.

CHERRY:" what the hell! Her phone also went straight to voicemail."

Meanwhile Alex called Joshua

JOSHUA:" hey man what's up?"

ALEX:" is Amelia over at your girlfriend's place?"

JOSHUA:" nah! She said she's going to have drinks with her. Is something wrong?"

ALEX:" I can't get through to her."

JOSHUA:" let me try calling Kimberly and call you back."

After Joshua hangs up the phone, two minutes later he called back saying

JOSHUA:" I can't get through to her either. I think something's wrong."

Alex took out his other phone, and open the tracker app.

ALEX:" why is she at a location like this? This is where they traffic humans."

JOSHUA:" I'm on my way over."

After twenty minutes Joshua arrived at Alex house. He saw Alex getting ready to go into his car. Joshua saw Alex loading his gun then he tucks it away in his side. Alex turned towards him and asked

ALEX:" you coming or not?"

Without question, Joshua jumped into the car and they both left.

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