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Alex sat in his couch with the television remote in his hand, he skipped from channel to channel, don't know what to watch. He only had on his jogging pants and no shirt. Suddenly he hears a knock on the door, he got up and walked towards it. As he opened the door he saw Amelia standing there, Alex looked frightened as he looks around and ask

ALEX:Amelia! What are you doing here? Are you alone?"

AMELIA:" yes I'm alone! Can I ask you something?"

ALEX:" sure! Come on in!"

Amelia went inside, Alex offered her to sit on the couch. Amelia looks around and ask

AMELIA:" you live alone?"

ALEX:" yeah! But my mom would often visit from time to time."

AMELIA:" I see!"

Alex stood there with his hands in his pocket as he asks nervously

ALEX:" umm.. can I get you anything to drink?"

AMELIA:" water! Thanks!"

Alex went inside the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water, he gives Amelia the water and sat inside the couch across from her

AMELIA:" thank you."

ALEX:" so... what do you want to ask me?"

Amelia looked at Alex's attractive body, then she asked

AMELIA:" is it true that you're in this gang called hell angel?"

Alex looked at her shocked as he replied

ALEX:" I use to be apart of it. But I left."

AMELIA:" what was the reason?"

ALEX:"I just wanted to try something different. Besides, being around a lot of people all the time irritates me. That's all."

AMELIA:" so then.... You kill people and stuff like that?"

Alex sat there quietly looking at Amelia. She felt a bit embarrassed as she said

AMELIA:" forget I ask that.... I don't know why I did in the first place."

Alex got up from the couch and walk over towards her and knelt down facing her. He looked into Amelia's eyes and ask

ALEX:" are you afraid of me?"

Amelia looked at Alex, then she replied hesitantly

AMELIA:" n-no! I don't! In fact I-..."

ALEX:" you what?"

As Amelia felt nervous seeing Alex being so close to her she replied

AMELIA:" nothing!"

Alex realized that Amelia was nervous, he got up and said

ALEX:" sorry! I'm making you nervous by being this close to you."

Alex got up and proceeds to walk back over to his couch. Amelia quickly got up, grabbed his hand and said

AMELIA:" I like you! Alex! I really like you!"

Alex turned around facing Amelia

ALEX:" w-what did you just say?"

AMELIA:" I like you! There! I finally said it."

Alex stood there looking at Amelia, unable to reply to her.

AMELIA:" I know this might be sudden and all... I mean it took me a while to finally realize that I have feelings for you b-..."

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