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The weekend went by pretty quickly, Monday morning bright and early, Alex waited outside for Amelia to finish getting ready for work. On their way, the two of them haven't said a word nor looked at each other. It was a very awkward for the both of them. Soon they arrived, Alex parked the car in the parking lot, Amelia proceeds to open the door and Alex immediately locks it. He turned around facing Amelia and said

ALEX:" I need to apologize to you properly... about what happened the other day. I was way out of line and I shouldn't have done that. I probably even make you feel very uncomfortable. I'm deeply sorry about that. From now on I won't make mistakes like that again."

Amelia was moved by Alex's apology.

AMELIA:" it's okay! Things happen. I kind of went out of line too because after you kissed me I kissed you back instead of stopping you. So we're both at fault here. I'm sorry as well."

Alex smiled as he replied

ALEX:" apology accepted!"

AMELIA:" so we're even now! No need to feel guilty!"

Amelia looked at her watch and yelled

AMELIA:" crap! I'm late! Gotta go!"

Alex unlocks the door and Amelia quickly ran inside the building. As Alex sat in the car, about to leave, his phone suddenly rang. He saw that it was his cousin calling him

ALEX:" hey man what's up?"

THEO:" are you busy right now?"

ALEX:" no! You need something?"

THEO:" actually there's something we need to talk about. Can you meet me at my place?"

ALEX:"all right I'm on my way!"

Alex hang up the phone and drove out of the parking lot. After an hour of driving, Alex finally arrives at Theo's  house. Outside the house, there stands a group of men, covered in tattoos, dark-skin, light skin and even white. As Alex walked past them to go inside they all nodded their heads greeting him. Inside Alex saw Theo sitting in the couch with a naked woman laying in his lap. Theo signaled the woman that it's time for her to get up. The woman got up and went around the back.

ALEX:" I see you're doing pretty well! Your house is always the festive type."

THEO:" I guess so! Everything's getting pretty boring now that you're not around anymore. I miss you man!"

ALEX:" what the hell man! Sounds too cheesy!"

Theo laughs as he walked into the kitchen, grab a few beers and throws one over to Alex

ALEX:" so! What's the reason you wanna talk to me?"

THEO:" one of my close friends from Mexico called me the other day and said that someone was willing to pay  twenty million to get rid of you!"

ALEX:" really? And who's that?"

THEO:" they say he's some rich guy called Justin parks! He currently owns the new casino that was being advertised the other day."

ALEX:" Justin! Oh right! That guy!"

THEO:" you know him?"

ALEX:" not really. He's the ex-boyfriend of the person whom I work for now."

THEO:" so what happened between you two that makes the guy wanna kill you?

ALEX:" I saw him put his hands on Amelia so I teach him a little lesson."

THEO:" Amelia! That's the woman you're working for as her private driver?"

ALEX:" yes!"

THEO:" they say you fucked up his face pretty badly."

ALEX:" I was going easy on him because Amelia was standing there watching."

THEO:" I know that anger of yours is something else. And you're not the type who'd butt into other people's business ... but for you to actually beat the guy to a pulp because you saw him put his hands on her.... You must like her a lot don't you?"

Alex looks at the beer in his hands.. he looked at Theo and replied

ALEX:" yes! She's a very interesting person. I'm just drawn to her. I have no idea why tho! I mean she's beautiful and sexy as fuck, but that's not the reason why I like her."

THEO:" maybe it's her personality!"

ALEX:" she's indeed a very kind and cheerful person. I'm just.... So in love with her."

Theo looks over at Alex completely shocked. Alex looked at him and ask

ALEX:" why the hell do you look like that? You see a ghost or something?"

THEO:" I've known you since we were kids, and the only time I've heard you say you're in love with someone is when we were in middle school, and after you've got your heart broken by Stacy for the first time you've been cold towards women. You're becoming a changed man!"

ALEX:" anyways! You got that guy's information? I wanna pay him a visit in person."

THEO:" yup! It's right here!"

Theo hands Alex a piece of paper and ask

THEO:"want me to come along with you?"

ALEX:" nah! If you tag along someone might end up at the morgue."

Theo laughed and said

THEO:" alright! Just be careful! Even tho I don't really need to tell you that!"

ALEX:" yea man thanks!"

Alex got up and walked towards the door

THEO:" it was great seeing you again. And come visit more often would ya!"

ALEX:" whatever!"

After Alex left, one of the men  went inside  the house

THEO:" follow him! Make sure nothing happens to him. But don't make it obvious that he's being followed or else he'll break my fucking neck off!"

Lex:" yes boss!"

Meanwhile... Amelia, Kimberly and Cindy sat around the table in their favorite cafe.

CINDY:" okay so it's going to be my baby's tenth birthday this weekend and I've decided to throw her a massive birthday party. The party themed is red and black."

KIMBERLY:"sounds great!"

CINDY:" you can even bring a plus one! Amelia... you can bring mr handsome along as well."

AMELIA:" I don't know!"

KIMBERLY:"are you guys still not talking to each other?"

AMELIA:" it's not that! He apologized again this morning! It's just that I don't think he's going to come if I invited him."

CINDY:" why not?"

AMELIA:" I don't know!"

KIMBERLY:" so you're still confused! Just go with your emotions girl. And stop acting like a teenager!"

CINDY:" did something happened between the two?"

KIMBERLY:" they kissed!"

CINDY:" oh my god really?

AMELIA:" it was by mistake!"

CINDY:"oh really now. You're saying his tongue hopped into your mouth by accident? How typically ironic."

KIMBERLY:"she's confused on whether to actually date the guy or not. And he seems like he's a good guy too."

CINDY:"did you see the way he was looking at Amelia in the parking lot the other night? Imagine those beautiful blue eyes gazing at you under the moonlight! Girl you're so lucky. You should follow your heart and not those silly  rules you make!"

KIMBERLY:" he might even turned out to be amazing!"

Amelia sat there listening to her best friend's lecturing her

HER PRIVATE ESCORT जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें