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Amelia stepped inside the fancy Chinese restaurant, walked up to the hostess standing at the desk and asked

AMELIA:" hello! I'm here for a reservation with Mr Fernandez."

LING LING:" you're miss Han correct?"

AMELIA:" yes I am!"

LING LING:"right this way please."

Amelia followed the hostess into a private area where she was being seated,away from people. The hostess  left the room. Amelia looked around, the dining table sat right next to a small pond, the pond had colorful fishes swimming around. There was a tall tree out in the garden that had pink petals floating all around.

AMELIA:" this is so beautiful."

Amelia's eyes suddenly went dark. It was Alex, covering her eyes.

ALEX:" hey baby."

Alex leaned forward and kissed her.

AMELIA:" you finally arrived."

ALEX:" yeah I was kinda stuck in traffic. It's a good thing Paul left before it started or else we'll both be late."

As Alex was talking, Amelia puts her hand under her chin, looking at Alex. Alex paused and asked

ALEX:" what's wrong? Are you feeling sick?"

AMELIA:" no! I'm just admiring you. Mr handsome."

Alex smiled and said

ALEX:" so! What do you think about this place?"

AMELIA:" it's really nice. It's super quiet.. and there's nobody here but us. It must've caused you a lot of trouble booking this place."

ALEX:" not at all. I'm pretty known most places."

AMELIA:" I see. Are you ready to order? I'm starving."

ALEX:" go ahead."

They ordered a bunch of food and ate until their stomachs were full. After finish eating,they sat next to each other looking at the sun as it sets. Alex pulled out a small box from his jacket and gave it to Amelia

AMELIA:" what's this?"

ALEX:" open it!"

Amelia opened the box and saw that it was a beautiful diamond necklace with her name on it.

AMELIA:" you got this for me? I love it! Thank you."

Amelia said as she leans forward to kiss Alex

ALEX:" want me to put it on for you?"


Amelia gave Alex the necklace and shifts her hair. After he was finish, Alex grabbed Amelia by the waist, pulls her towards him and started kissing her. He pushed his hand underneath her clothes, squeezing her breast. Amelia crossed her legs as she touches Alex gently on his face. Alex noticed her crossed legs and asked

ALEX:" you wanna try something new?"

AMELIA:" sure! What's that?"

Alex smiled as he replied

ALEX:" you won't know unless you try. "

Alex got up and bolts the door. He lifts Amelia and turned her face down on the high table. He lifted up her dress, shift her panties to the side and puts his finger inside. Amelia panicked as she quietly ask

AMELIA:" Alex are you crazy? Someone could see us! We can't do this here, we're gonna get caught."

ALEX:" we won't! Unless you keep quiet and stay put!"

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