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Amelia sat in her office chair, thinking about whether she should invite Alex over to Cindy's daughter birthday party or not when suddenly the door burst open. It was Justin, along with the front desk receptionist.

ALECIA:" I'm sorry miss Han! I tried to stop him from entering but he just burst his way through!"

JUSTIN:" we need to talk! Now!"

AMELIA:" I suggest you leave before I call the security!"

JUSTIN:" I'm not here to threaten you or anything so relax."

AMELIA:" it's fine Alecia! You may go back to your station."

ALECIA:" yes miss!"

Justin sat into one of the chair and demanded

JUSTIN:" you need to leave that guy alone! Cut all ties with him immediately!"

AMELIA:" who?"

JUSTIN:" that guy! Alex! Your private driver! Cut all ties with him immediately."

AMELIA:" and why would i do that now?"

JUSTIN:" he's dangerous!"

AMELIA:" huh?"

JUSTIN:" this Alex Fernandez guy! Did you know he's in this gang called hell angel? And not only that... he's second in command!"

AMELIA:" where did you get all this information from? Don't tell me you hired someone to spy on him?"

JUSTIN:" I have my ways! Did you know he paid me a visit at my office yesterday?"

AMELIA:" he did? Why?"

JUSTIN:" he threatened me that I should stay far away from you and if I don't he'd kill me and dumped my body where it can't be found by anyone."

Amelia sat there, speechless...

AMELIA;" I think you should leave now! I'm calling the security!"

JUSTIN:" no need! I'll see myself out! But heed my warning! If you don't cut ties with this guy immediately, you'll only be putting yourself in grave danger."

Alex got up from the chair and left the room. Amelia sighed heavily as she looked at her hands trembling

AMELIA:" is Alex really that dangerous as Justin says he is?"

Amelia questioned herself. She decided to go on the internet and learn more about the hell angel gang! The week went by in the blink of an eye, Amelia finally arrived at Cindy's daughter birthday party with a couple gifts.

CINDY:"you're here!"

Cindy looks around and asked

CINDY:" where's your plus one?"

AMELIA:" I've decided not to invite him!"

CINDY:" why?"

AMELIA:". No reason! Where should I put these?"

Amelia ask as she holds the presents in her hands. Cindy pointed towards a table and said

CINDY:" over there!"

Amelia walked over towards the table and put down the presents. Just then Amelia felt someone pulling on her dress. She turned around and saw that it was Cindy's daughter. Amelia smiled as she hugged her and said

AMELIA:" happy birthday my sweet girl!"

GIGI:" thanks! How do I look aunty Amelia?"

AMELIA:" you look great! You're the prettiest girl in the room! You look like a princess!"

Gigi smiled as she responds

GIGI:" thank you! I'm going to find dad. I need to take a picture with him!"

AMELIA:" okay be careful!"

Amelia went over by the buffet area looking for something to eat. Kimberly walks up behind her and said

KIMBERLY:" why does your face look so uneasy?"

AMELIA:" really?"

KIMBERLY:" yeah! I noticed the moment you walked in. And where's Alex?"

AMELIA:" I've decided not to invite him."

KIMBERLY:" why not?"

AMELIA:" because... my head's a total mess right now and I've discovered something about him recently that's giving me second thoughts."

Kimberly looked at Amelia's worried face. She grabbed Amelia by the hand and said

KIMBERLY:" come! Let's go talk somewhere private."

Kimberly and Amelia left the room, Cindy makes an announcement that it's time for the big surprise. Everyone gathered around, they bring forth Gigi, who was blind folded.

CINDY:" you can take off your blind fold now."

Gigi unties the blind fold from her eyes and saw her parents holding a box.

GIGI:" what's inside?"

CINDY:" here! Come take it and have a look."

Gigi took the box and opened it, inside she saw a pair of keys and a note. She took the note and reads it then she looked up at her parents with a smile on her face. She immediately hugs both of them and said

GIGI:" thank you guys so much! My very own private villa! I'm so happy right now!"

CINDY:" and it's by the beach! Just like you've always wanted."

GIGI:" I love you guys so much! Thank you!"

Gigi's parents hugged her and smiled while the crowd cheers

CINDY:" okay everyone! You can all go on back to partying now!"

Everyone left and continued doing what they were doing. In the library Amelia and Kimberly sat around the desk. Kimberly's face looked very sad as she said

KIMBERLY:" so he's in the mafia gang! Oh man! Did he ever mentioned this to you?"

AMELIA:" no! I remember one time he was telling me that he's done a lot of things he regret but I didn't know he was talking about him being in a gang."

KIMBERLY:" so how do you feel now? Now that you know that he's in some gang."

AMELIA:" I'm going to be honest with you and admit it!"

Amelia looked at Kimberly with tearful eyes

KIMBERLY:" go on! I'm listening!"

AMELIA:" I think I'm in love with him even more!"

Kimberly looks at Amelia as the tears flowed from her eyes

AMELIA:" and yet I can't bring myself to tell him how I feel. I can't decide whether I should tell him or not and I kept on thinking about it!"

Kimberly hugs Amelia and said

KIMBERLY:" oh honey! You're undecided on what to do! Well here's what you're going to do! You're going to go over to his house and confess about your feelings for him. And whatever happens after that.... You'll know what to do."

AMELIA:" you think that's a good idea?"

KIMBERLY:" the way I see it if you don't tell this guy how you feel right now you'd end up going crazy. And I don't like seeing you in such awful state."

AMELIA:" all right! I'll do as you say."

KIMBERLY:" and make sure to tell me how it goes. I'll inform Cindy you had to leave because you have some unfinished business to take care of."

AMELIA:" thanks!"

Amelia went outside and called her family driver to come get her.

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