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A week has passed since the club incident. Justin was at home chilling with his friend by the pool side.

MARCO:" so did you actually do what you say you were going to do?"

JUSTIN:" yes! In fact I already hired a hit man to run a profile on the guy who punched me that night. And when he sees the perfect opportunity he'll get rid of him. He should be calling me anytime soon to give me an update."

MARCO:" he fucked you up pretty badly!"

JUSTIN:" I know! It's all that fucking bitch fault! Fucking slut!"

MARCO:" now now! Don't go calling Amelia a slut when you know she hasn't cheated on you.. not once while you were together."

JUSTIN:" I know that! But that name suits her very well.. because if I tell her to do something she's going to do it."

Justin's phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and answer


TOBY:" so I've finished running the profile check that you asked me to do and I'm sorry but I can't go along with this."

JUSTIN:" what! Why the hell not?"

TOBY:" well only be causing trouble for ourselves man and I got a family! That guy you asked me to run the check on... his name is alex Fernandez!"

JUSTIN:" yeah so what?"

TOBY:" that guy's really dangerous! And he's pretty well known. He's the second in command for the most feared gang in all of Kingston city! You've never heard of the HELL ANGEL GANG?"

JUSTIN:" no! What about them?"

TOBY:" those people are not to be fucked with... unless you wanna die! I'm sorry man but you'll have to find someone else to do the job."

And with that Toby hang up the phone.

JUSTIN:" shit!"

MARCO:" what's wrong man?"

JUSTIN:" Toby bailed out on the job."

MARCO:" why?"

JUSTIN:" apparently the guy's in some feared gang called hell angel."

Marco looked over at Justin and said

MARCO:" I don't blame Toby for bailing out. I would too."

JUSTIN:" you know about them?"

MARCO:" who doesn't? What's the guy's name?"

JUSTIN:" alex Fernandez!"

MARCO:" what the fuck man! If I were you I'd leave that man alone! He's a fucking psychopath! Second in command at that.. they say he's even worse than the actual leader himself!"

JUSTIN:" but look at my face man! Look what that fucker did to it!"

MARCO:" I know he fucked you up pretty good, but you'll have to leave it at that! If you want to live that is."

Justin lit up a cigarette and starts smoking

MARCO:" I gotta say tho! Amelia's bagged herself a badass man!"

JUSTIN:" shut the fuck up man!"

Marco laughs as he takes a sip of his liquor. Meanwhile..... Kimberly and Amelia was out looking for apartments to buy.

KIMBERLY:" what kind of apartments are you looking to buy? Be more specific!"

AMELIA:" I don't want anything too big or too small. Something that I'd feel very comfortable in and also it must have a nice view!"

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