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The crowd cheers as the music plays loudly. Groups of people drinking, laughing and dancing. The bright colorful light shines all over inside the club. At the vip area Kimberly, Cindy , amelia and alex sat in the couch looking at the people downstairs having loads of fun.
Amelia was already half drunk, alex looks over at Kimberly and ask

ALEX:" do you guys normally let her drink this much?"

KIMBERLY:" amelia isn't the type who drinks a lot. But ever since the breakup she's been going at it real hard. It's her way of venting rather than crying and obsessing over some trashy dude so I just let her be. The only thing I make sure to take a note of is that she doesn't end up going home with some strange guy."

ALEX:" I see!"

Just then Cindy spotted someone very familiar looking over in their direction. She touched Kimberly and said

CINDY:" am I seeing things or is that Justin over there?"

KIMBERLY:" what! Where?"

Kimberly looks over into the direction Cindy was pointing at

KIMBERLY:"it's him all right! And he's with a woman who's clearly not pregnant! He's cheating on his fiancé."

CINDY:" well look at that! That's karma right there! Kayla stole Justin from amelia now someone else is stealing Justin from her! Haha! This is so interesting to see. I'm going to take a picture."

Amelia felt a bit uneasy as she said

AMELIA:" I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back!"

Amelia got up from the couch and stumbles her way outside of the club. Alex watched as someone followed behind her. Alex got up from the couch and said

ALEX:" I'm going outside for a smoke."

Amelia stumbles as she walks along the corridor,she felt someone grab onto her arm. She immediately turned around and saw that it was her ex-boyfriend, Justin.

AMELIA:" what do you want?"

JUSTIN:" it's great seeing you again!"

AMELIA:" cut to the chase I don't have time for this bullshit."

JUSTIN:" all right then! I wanna know where's my share of the money?"

AMELIA:" what money?"

JUSTIN:" you sold the house and my cars! I want at least half of it."

AMELIA:" excuse me! your cars? The last time I checked the car's were in my name when I bought them and also the house. Everything's rightfully and legally mine. And another thing, we're not married so I don't know why the fuck you come to me asking for money !"

Amelia looks at Justin in pure anger as she sets her arm free from Justin and walks away

JUSTIN:"hey hold on! I'm not done talking to you! Get back here!"

Justin stands and watch as amelia kept on walking away.

JUSTIN:" fucking bitch!"

Justin mumbles as he walks up to amelia, grabbed her by the hand and slapped her in her face. Amelia fell onto the ground as she looks at Justin in disbelief. Justin pulls amelia up off the ground and said as he drags her along the corridor.

JUSTIN:" come! We need to talk some where more privately!"

AMELIA:" let me go!"

As amelia struggles to set her hand free, out of nowhere,she saw alex stretches out his hand, grab Justin by the shoulder and punched him in his face. Justin fell onto the ground holding his nose as he shouts

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