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Alex  woke up and made his way downstairs into the kitchen, where he saw his mother looking after breakfast

JACKIE:" you're finally awake I see! How was your night?"

ALEX:" it was great!"

JACKIE:" I met Amelia this morning before she left!"

ALEX:" you did huh?"

JACKIE:" and I must say.. she's quite the beauty."

ALEX:" yeah! She's a very interesting woman indeed."

JACKIE:" you guys look like you're the same age as well!"

Jackie said as she sips her coffee. Alex replied

ALEX:" she's thirty two!"

Jackie immediately spits out her coffee as she looked at Alex and said

JACKIE:" thirty two! She's seven years older than you! I'm surprised because she looks twenty five! Now that's what I call being healthy."

ALEX:" I was surprised too when I just met her!"

JACKIE:" so! Is she your girlfriend?"

Alex sighed as he said

ALEX:" I don't know yet! I want her to be my woman tho if that's what you're really asking."

Jackie continued sipping her coffee as she said

JACKIE:" your brother should be arriving from overseas with his family this weekend. He wants us to come to his house for a family dinner."

ALEX:" and by us you mean..."

JACKIE:" yeah! It includes your father."

Alex looked pissed as she drinks a bottle of water.

JACKIE:" oh come on now! He's trying his best you know!"

ALEX:" don't care! I can't forgive him for all the things he's done to you. I just can't!"

JACKIE:" I know honey! But he moved on and so did I.. and I'm doing much better now so try your best to get along with him okay? After all he's your own flesh and blood... don't treat him so harshly."

ALEX:" he still deserves more beating the way I see it. I wanna see him suffer like the way he made you did."

JACKIE:" no matter what I can't convince you to forgive him huh! You're one tough guy that's all I know."

Jackie smiled as she looked at her son.

JACKIE:" anyways! You need breakfast?"

ALEX:" sure!"

Kimberly scrolled effortlessly through her phone as she waited for the elevator to stop. As she was walking out she kept her head glued into her phone, didn't see which way she was going. Suddenly she bumps into someone, her phone fell and the man catch her just in time.

JOSHUA:" I'm sorry! Didn't see you coming. Are you okay?" 

Kimberly looked up and saw this very handsome, dark skinned man with grey eyes, thick body, approximately six feet tall, straight nose, curly dark hair with the sides faded. He had on a blue and white jacket suit and he also has a tattoo on his neck. Kimberly stood there looking at the man completely speechless

JOSHUA:" excuse me! Are you hearing me?"

KIMBERLY:" huh! What?"

JOSHUA:" I'm asking if you're okay?"

KIMBERLY:" oh! Yeah I'm fine! Thanks for asking and my apologies! My head was in my phone so I didn't see you coming."

JOSHUA:" that's fine! The greatest thing is both of us is okay!"

KIMBERLY:" you're right!"

JOSHUA:" so what's your name if I may ask?"

KIMBERLY:" Kimberly Stewart! And you?"

JOSHUA:" I'm Joshua Fernandez! Pleasure to meet you."

Kimberly and joshua both shake hands.

JOSHUA:" your quite the beauty. Can I get to know you more?"

KIMBERLY:" haha! Ummm... I don't know.."

JOSHUA:" why not? You seemed to be the laid back type of person."

KIMBERLY:" well I guess you could say that! Anyways are you from around here?"

JOSHUA:" no actually! I'm here looking for my cousin.. it's been a while since I saw him."

KIMBERLY:" I see! Well good luck on your search. It was nice knowing you Joshua."

As Kimberly was about to walk away Joshua asked

JOSHUA:" can I have your phone number? I'm not being weird or anything it's just that I've taken quite a liking to you and would like to treat you to lunch or dinner one day."

Kimberly smiled and replied

KIMBERLY:" sure! Why not!"

After Kimberly gave Joshua her number she walks away. Kimberly knocked on the front door and after a couple seconds Amelia opens it. Kimberly looked at Amelia and said

KIMBERLY:" why do you look like that?"

AMELIA:" like what?"

Kimberly went inside and sat in the couch as she examined Amelia from head to toe.

KIMBERLY:" you look.... More relaxed... wait! did you have sex with Alex?"

Amelia nods her head as she smiled

KIMBERLY:" oh! My! Fucking! God! How was it? Girl tell me everything!"

AMELIA:" where do I begin! Even now I'm still speechless!"

KIMBERLY:" speechless? Really!"

AMELIA:" yeah! I mean..... he's really and I mean really good at fucking.... The way he was being gentle with me.... The way he looked at me with those blue eyes of his.... The way he moved his waist.... It's like I'm dreaming."

KIMBERLY: Damm right you are! So... is it big?"

AMELIA:" very! Even now it still feels like he's inside me."

KIMBERLY:" finally! You've finally released all that pent up stress! Now look at you.. glowing beautiful as ever."

Amelia sat there smiling as she looks inside the cup of coffee

KIMBERLY:" so! Are you guys officially together or what?"

Amelia paused as she said.

AMELIA:" I don't know!"

KIMBERLY:" are you planning on asking him?"

AMELIA:" sure! He also confessed that he's in love with me."

KIMBERLY:"aww that's great.. I'm so happy for the both of you. Speaking of which I ran into this fine thang on my way up. He ask me for my number saying he'd like to treat me to lunch or dinner sometime."

AMELIA:" so did you give it to him?"

KIMBERLY:" i did. He seems nice."

KIMBERLY:" it's been a while since you've looked into a mans direction for you to even give your phone number."

KIMBERLY:" guess we all need to start over somewhere right?"

AMELIA:" yeah! Wanna have a drink?"

KIMBERLY: sure! I'd love a bottle or two. And let's watch movies or something. Have a little girl time."

AMELIA:" sounds great!"

The girls ended the evening watching movies, eating popcorn and drinking wine.

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