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Amelia sat by her window and watched as the rain poured heavily. She heard a knock on the door and went to open it, there she saw alex, dripping wet from head to toe

ALEX:" I forgot my umbrella!"

AMELIA:" oh my god! Why didn't you wait until the rain stops?"

ALEX:" you said you were hungry and I didn't want you to wait any longer. The food is not wet tho."

Amelia:" come in!"

Alex stepped inside and puts the food down on the counter

ALEX:" sorry I'm causing a mess. The floor is wet."

AMELIA:" never mind that! You might catch a cold if you don't get out of those wet clothes. I'm going to let you borrow my bathroom. I think I have some spare clothes I bought for my little brother the other day, I hope they'll fit you."

While alex was using the bathroom to take a shower, Amelia stood at her bedroom window in a very thin dress with no bra. It's what she'd wear whenever she's home alone. She went downstairs inside the kitchen to make some tea. Alex was finish talking a bath. He appears into the kitchen wearing the black shirt and sweatpants that Amelia had given him. as he adjusts the pants he stated

ALEX:" I think this pants is a little bit too tight!"

Amelia heard him but was paying attention to her phone while heading in the same direction alex was. Both of them bumped into each other, Amelia's phone fell out of her hand, the slippery floor caused Amelia to fall. Alex quickly grabs her by the waist to stopped her from falling onto the ground. The force alex used caused him to be leaning forward, if he doesn't act quickly both of them could fall. He used his other hand and pressed it against the kitchen counter.

ALEX:" sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going."

AMELIA:" it's my fault. I was so focused on the phone that I didn't see you coming."

The two of them looked into each other's eyes.... The mood started to change, alex leaned forward and kissed Amelia on her lips. Amelia was surprised, she immediately kissed back. The two immediately started kissing each other, alex lifts Amelia and rest her on the counter, he proceeds to kissing her neck while his hands are all over her breast. Amelia hugs alex tightly as they continued kissing.. alex lowered his hands and proceeds to grip Amelia's thighs. For a moment Amelia felt really good until she snapped back into reality and realize what was happening

AMELIA:" alex stop!"

She said in a soft lowered voice. With her soft tone, alex immediately stopped, he removed his hands from her thighs and rest his head against her shoulder as he said

ALEX:" I'm sorry! I got too excited!"

Alex looked up at Amelia and saw the look on her face. He was tempted to kiss her once again. Alex tried his best to hold back his emotions, he backed away from Amelia and said

ALEX:" I think I should leave now!"

Amelia watched as alex went through the door. She sat on the kitchen counter speechless. That night Amelia couldn't sleep, she kept twisting and turning in her bed. She got up and went downstairs to make some coffee. She sat in the couch lost in thought as she looked at the bright city lights. The next morning, Kimberly came knocking on the door bright and early. Amelia opens the door, Kimberly saw the state she was in and said

KIMBERLY: what the hell happened to you? You look like you got ran over by a truck!"

Kimberly looked at Amelia, her hair was a mess and her pajama's was on the opposite sides. Kimberly went inside and sat by the kitchen counter and ask

KIMBERLY:" so what's up? You send me a text message last night I was so confused after reading it."

Amelia sat beside Kimberly and stated

AMELIA:" I don't even know where to begin! How do I explain myself."

KIMBERLY:" it's okay! Take your time."

AMELIA:" so yesterday I asked alex to bring me lunch and on his way up he gotten himself wet by the rain. I offered him to use my bathroom. After he was finished he was saying something to me while walking in my direction... however my eyes were glued to the phone and we bumped into each other. He stopped both of us from falling, we looked at each other and one thing led to another and somehow we ended up kissing."

Kimberly looks over at Amelia completely shocked with her mouth wide open.kimberly got up from her chair and pressed her hands against Amelia's shoulders as she stutters

KIMBERLY:" y-y-y-you g-guys k-k-k-kissed! You guys kissed? Oh my fucking god! You guys kissed! Oh my god!"

Amelia sat and looked at Kimberly exaggerating herself

KIMBERLY:" did you guys fuck? He fucked you didn't he? How was it? Was he good? Does he have a big dick? Come on girl spill all the details!"

AMELIA:" you seemed very happy!"

KIMBERLY:" of course I am! My best friend has finally moved on and fucked someone else! This is so exciting! I've got to tell Cindy about this! I'm so proud of you!"

AMELIA:" relax! We didn't have sex! We just kissed."

Kimberly's face look disappointed. She sat down in her chair and said

KIMBERLY:" really! And here I was all happy for you to be back out into the dating world again."

AMELIA:" I stopped him before we could go any further!"

KIMBERLY:" the fuck! Why?"

AMELIA:" because! I don't know! I'm so confused!"

KIMBERLY:" was he good at kissing?"

AMELIA:" he's sooo good! And the way he was gripping my thighs! I was so turned on! I felt a little tingle in my stomach."

KIMBERLY:" oh my god! Girl! You've got butterflies in your stomach. What did he do after you stopped him?"

AMELIA: he apologized! Then he left."

KIMBERLY:" oh honey! You missed the perfect chance!"

AMELIA:"what do you mean by that?"

KIMBERLY:" you could've gotten the fuck of your life but you missed the perfect chance because you got confused."

AMELIA:" I guess so! Besides! He's twenty five and I don't want to do something that I'll regret later!"

KIMBERLY:" you're still on with that "too young"bullshit! Give the guy a chance. Feel him out a little and see how it goes on from there."

Amelia sat in the chair as she stares blankly at the cup of coffee in front of her.

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