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As the rain falls heavily and the thunder flashes, Amelia and Alex stood in front of the building waiting hopelessly for the rain to end

AMELIA:" I can't believe I forgot to bring an umbrella! It didn't even cross my mind to tell you to bring one either. And the fact that the car is parked all the way over there!"

Amelia sighs heavily as she leaned against the wall

ALEX:" are you that eager to get home?"

AMELIA:" yes! I'm hungry and I don't like being outside when it rains."

ALEX:" well then! If that's the case."

Alex took off his jacket and put it on Amelia's head

AMELIA:" what are you doing?"

ALEX:" I'm sheltering you from the rain. It's not as good as an umbrella tho, but it saves you from getting wet head to toe."

AMELIA:" so we're going to run over to where the cars parked?"

ALEX:" yes! I could run over and get it but no cars are allowed at the entrance so we don't have any other options at the moment."

AMELIA:" this is pointless!"

ALEX:" if you're not in a hurry you can wait then. I don't mind at all."

Amelia looks puzzled as the stares at the poring rain then she said

AMELIA:" alright fine! But if I end up getting sick you're the one to blame."

ALEX:" fine by me."

AMELIA:" I'm going to make a stop by my old house to grab a few things as well. I'll send the location to your phone as soon as we're in the car."

ALEX:" okay."

Both of them hurried off into the rain trying to make it to the car as quickly as possible. As soon as they got into the car amelia took the jacket off her head, look at her feet and said

AMELIA:" my feet's all wet. I need to soak in a nice hot bath once I get home."

She took the jacket handing it over to Alex while still looking at her feet as she said

AMELIA:" here's your jack-......"

Amelia immediately froze... looking at Alex in his white, wet long sleeve shirt. She could see his tattoos printed through his shirt on his arms and back. Alex turns around looking at amelia staring at him blankly

ALEX:" is everything alright? You didn't get too wet did you?"

AMELIA:" n-no! Just my feet."

ALEX:" not bad. You ready?"

AMELIA:" for what?"

ALEX:" you said you were stopping by your old house to grab a few things."

AMELIA:" oh! Yes! Right! I almost forgot. I completely zoned out a moment ago. I'm sending you the location right now."

The message came in on alex phone, he looked at it then he drove off. After an hour and a half of driving, they finally made it to their destination. The rain had stopped and the sun came out again. Alex and amelia got out of the car and head for the front door. Alex looks around astonished as he mentions

ALEX:" wow! Nice house you got here by the beach!"

AMELIA:" thank you."

As they went inside, Alex was amazed by the luxurious furnitures he saw

ALEX:" this place's beautiful! You don't come here often do you?"

AMELIA:" no! Not anymore at least."

HER PRIVATE ESCORT Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora