chapter 12

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Joels POV:

I was surprised that Bdubs had asked me to go out. I had always thought that he didnt like me. Guess thats not the case. Etho would be glad that we hung out. We were walking in complete silence. It was so awkward and quiet.

"Do u have any pets?" I blurted the most random thing that came to my mind. "Sadly I dont. I really want a dog though. What about u?" "I have a cat but Im both a dog and a cat person to be honest. My mom is allergic to dogs sadly." at least we found something to talk about. We kept the conversation going until we reached McDonald's.

After we ordered we sat down. "So what did u wanna talk about?" "Well..I feel like I should tell u that I like Etho. I've noticed that u guys have been getting really close recently and Im a bit worried that he might u know..leave me for u." he said quietly. I almost choked on my drink. "But please dont tell him what I just shared with u." he added.

"O-of course. I dont know if he likes u or not but Im sure he wouldnt dump u- not for a person he met a few weeks ago." I put on a sad smile. I couldnt tell him how I felt about Etho..not now that he had just confessed. "Thanks Joel. I really appreciate it. I wouldnt know what to do if Etho dumped me."

We talked a little more about our friend. By Bdubs' words it seemed like he had a huge crush on Etho. I didnt want to mess up their relationship. Maybe I just had to back off from our friendship in order to insure that Bdubs doesnt get heartbroken..

Half an hour later I got home and laid down in my bed. 'I should try to interact less with Etho. Its better for both Bdubs and him..' I thought. 'I couldnt ruin a whole ass relationship for my own sake!' I felt tears running down my cheeks. Then I fell asleep.

Ethos POV:

I had texted Joel 4 hours ago but there was no answer. I asked him to play Minecraft, he wouldnt ignore an offer like this one. I was a bit worried about him- he could be sleeping but it was barely 7 pm. I decided to text him again. No response.

I couldnt wait any longer so I just called him. He finally picked up the phone. "H-hello..?" yup, he had definitely been sleeping. His sleepy voice made me feel butterflies in my stomach. It was so adorable. "Hey Joel. Sorry for waking u up, I was just worried that something had happened." "Oh its fine. I think I'll get back to sleeping. Thanks for checking up on me. Cya tomorrow." he quickly hung up the phone. Maybe something had happened after all.


That Monday was so cold. The teachers didnt let us go outside to play basketball so during the lunch break I decided to go find Joel. I saw him sitting on a table with Grian, Lizzie, Scott and some other guy, I suppose Grians boyfriend. I went up to them. "Hey Joel. Come with me for a second, will u?" I dont know why I asked him that. "Sure I guess.." he mumbled.

We exited the cafeteria. "Joel are u okay? U seem a bit off.." I tried to be as careful as possible in order not to annoy him by being nosy. "Yeah Im alright. I'll get going now.." I grabbed his hand. "WAIT- wanna play Minecraft after school?" I blurted as my face turned red. Why did I do that?! "I dont know I've got a lot of homework.. sorry Etho maybe another time." he put on a sad smile and walked away.

(645 words)

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