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Hellooo, Im Jai or Jaime. This is a boat boys fanfic, mainly fluff but there might be some angst later on.. (spoiler: there wont be) anyways heres all about the main characters:

Joel is a 15 year old sophomore who has a younger brother and a cat. He doesnt get along with his family and he has mommy and daddy issues. His parents except him to have glowing grades and they put a lot of pressure onto him. Hes bisexual but only his closer friends know it. He isnt popular but not unknown either. Hes like the "funny" friend but no one really knows about his family issues prob cause he has trouble with expressing his feelings.

Etho is a 16 year old junior who lives with his mom. His parents divorced when he was little but hes still in contact with his dad. He has a younger sister, Gem. Shes 14 and lives with their dad. Ethos made fun of at school for being publicly gay however it doesnt really bother him. He has only a few friends. Hes pretty smart and has good grades. He used to date his friend Bdubs but it didnt work out so now they are just friends.

Jimmy is Joels younger brother who is 13 years old. He wont be showing as much in the story but I just feel like i should include him in the intro.

Grian is one of Joels best friends. Hes gay and he has a boyfriend (Scar).

Lizzie is Joels ex. They used to date when they were little (12-13) but now are just friends.

Gem is Ethos younger sis who lives with their father. Etho and Gem are really close and both love each other very very much.

Cleo is one of Ethos closest friends. They have known each other for nearly 10 years now and they are really close.

Bdubs is Ethos ex but now they are just good friends. They both think its better that way..or is it just Etho who thinks this..?

Scar is Grians bf. Wont be writing much about Desert duo. Maybe in another fanfic idkk

Sooo thats the intro! 351 words without this. If anyone has any suggestions lmkk! Also english isnt my first language so sorry if i make grammar/spelling mistakes (Lol yes, I just used the most basic excuse ever)
Also i will be using slangs/curse words!!!

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