chapter 7

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Joels POV:

The next 2 days passed by quickly. It was already Friday evening. I had just been playing on my singleplayer server but I decided to go to sleep.
I felt my eyes open slowly. There was no sunlight coming into my room so I decided to get up and check my phone. 6am?! Gosh why am I awake so early.

I sneaked into the kitchen as quietly as possible and opened the fridge. To my surprise there was a piece of cheesecake left. I took it and went back to my room. Just then I realized today I was going over Ethos so I decided to help myself by doing some homework.

Suddenly someone burst into my room. It was Jimmy. "What in the world are u going here?!" I started shouting but then lowered my voice down. "Sorry..I couldnt sleep. What are u doing today?" "Well Im going to a sleepover at Etho's at 3pm. Until then Im probably just gonna do my homework and play." "Ohh thats nice." he smiled and sat down on my bed.

"Soo what has been going on with u and that guy..Tango I think?" Im glad I got to spend some time with my brother. We have never been close but I hope this changes. "Well we have been talking a lot lately and..I think I like him.." I got closer to Jimmy and hugged him. We stood like that for a few minutes.

"What about u and Etho?" he grinned. "Oh gosh why does everybody ask me that! I dont know if I like him or not but we met a couple of days ago so its too early to tell!" "Let me know when u figure it out. Im gonna go to sleep again now. Goodnight Joel." and then he left my room. I decided to go to sleep again but those thoughts of Etho kept me awake for a while.
"JOEL!!! WAKE UPPP!" I heard a loud shout near my ear. I opened my eyes and realized it was my younger brother. "H-huh..?" "ITS 2.30 PM! U SHOULD GET GOING OR UR GONNA BE LATE FOR UR SLEEPOVER!" Holy cow, for how long had I been asleep?!

I got up quickly and got ready. I brushed my hair and put on a comfortable hoodie. Packed my bag and headed right to Etho's house. He had texted me his address yesterday and it wasnt too far away.

After a few minutes I got there. Perfect timing- it was 2.59 pm. The house was really nice- it had 3 floors and there were 2 balconies. In front of the door there were a few plant pots and a door mat. There was a huge yard on the left and a garage on the right.

I rang the doorbell and a red haired lady, I suppose Etho's mom, opened the door. "Hello there, u must be Etho's friend? Im Jade." she smiled warmly at me. "Yeah, Im Joel. Pleasure to meet u and thanks for inviting me over." I smiled back and walked inside.

"Hey Joel!" I turned around and saw Etho. It was my first time seeing him without a mask. He smiled at me and I greeted him back. "This is my mom, Im sure u already know her name. She said u can sleep in my room if thats okay with u. U can sleep on my bed and I'll either sleep on the floor or in the living room. Oh and also we can go out to buy some snacks if u want to." he sounded really excited about us hanging out and so did I. "Ooh sure! That sounds great. Shall we go?" "Yup!" and with that we headed outside.

(629 words, almost 100 reads tysm)

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