chapter 6

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Ethos POV:

We played until the bell rang. After Joel left I turned to Bdubs. "Hey u alright? U seem a bit off.." he put on a smile, I suppose a fake one. "Yeah dont worry! I'll get going. Cya Etho!" and with that we was gone.


When I got home from school I asked Joel to play Minecraft with me again. He agreed and we called. After playing for a while I thought of an idea. "Joel what if we hang out some time?! We have never seen each other outside of school and it'd be fun." "Ooh sure! Can we do it at ur house tho? I dont really know if my parents.." "Of course, I dont mind. We'll talk details tomorrow at school. Byee!" "Bye Eth-" the call ended.

Honestly I cant wait to hang out with him. Its crazy how close we've gotten in just a few days. Hes a really cool dude and Im glad I made a new friend. I dont really know much about him and neither he does about me. Maybe I'll ask him to get to know each other better once he comes over.

Joels POV:

The day passed by really fast. During the lunch break I went over to Ethos table but he wasnt there. I looked outside and found him, playing basketball with Bdubs.

"Hey Etho! About the hang out- wanna do it this weekend? We could have a sleepover if u want." I smiled at him. "Thats such a good idea Joel! How about..uh Saturday? U can come by at 3pm if thats okay with u." "Alright, cant wait! Catch u later!" And with that I started walking away.

Not that I was being nosy but I overheard Bdubs ask Etho about our plans. He seemed upset and I felt kinda bad for taking his best friend. But Im sure we will work it out.
Lizzie and I hadnt talked for 5 days now. She was sick and couldnt come to school. I really missed her so when I got home I decided to call her and update her on what had been going on.

"Hey Liz. U feeling any better?" I asked as soon as she picked up the phone. "Not reallyy..uh whats up? Hows school? Lame as always?" the girl half laughed. She sounded really stuffy. "Yeah well I actually made a new friend and we have been hanging out a lot lately!" "Ooh thats great! Tell me more about them!"

"Well his name is Etho, hes a junior, he always wears a black mask and one of his eyes is red and he has greyish hair, which is a bit longer than mine. And he plays basketball and Minecraft with me." I was smiling while describing my friend. Now thinking about his appearance he looked really goo-

"HELLOO? JOEL?" I heard Lizzie shout at me. Huh? "Wait what happened?" I must've zoned out. "So u really like that guy, huh?" I heard Lizzie giggling. "WHAT? We met a few days ago..! And we are just friends!" I felt blush creep up my face. Why would she even think that?!

"Anyways thanks for calling me Joel. I think Im gonna go to sleep, my head hurts. Text me tomorrow, byee!" "Oh okay, get better Liz!" and with that our short conversation ended.

Few minutes later I received a text message:            


Hey Joel. Wanna hagn out this weekend?-
Scars out of town and im bored-

-Sorry G, I'll be with Etho. Maybe another time

            Dont worry. Have fun with ur bf ;)-

-Fuck u too man

Why does everybody think like that?? We met a couple of days ago! Plus Im sure hes into Bdubs! And Im not attracted to him!..

(629 words)

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