Arc 1 Chapter 8 The Sword of Creation

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A/N: What's good yall im at it again with a new chapter this week. Let's hop into it!


Issei and Y/N had been mostly healed by the next morning. That was also Y/N's first weekend in this world, meaning he had a generous amount of freedom for two whole days. Issei had went out to the park to train, and Y/N was pondering on what to do. Clearly he should train, but where to start? The elements, his own power, or martial arts? He decided his own power would suffice for now, and strengthening his own magic reserves would do him good. Y/N had spent most the day resting and relaxing but was now ready to get up and do something, it was about 2 in the afternoon and daylight was burning.

Y/N: I should find something to do, I'm quite bored and I'm all fine now.

Y/N then left the couch of the ORC with just him in it and walked out to the courtyard in front of the building. Bane had been deep in thought for a while, then decided it was time to speak up.

Bane: Hey kid I'm sorry I can't be of much help, I just wish I could do more for you. Ya know?

Y/N: It's fine you already do plenty, Bane. I need to get stronger myself... Do you think practicing with new magic would help my reserves?

Bane: Most likely, not as much as just making grander magic would though. For example a giant flaming halberd? Why spend time learning new magic when you can already expand on what you know?

Y/N: What if I encounter a enemy with stronger fire or a resistance to it? Or get into a situation were I need to manipulate my terrain in which fire couldn't help?

Bane: Good point, but for now I think fire is a good boost for raw power, and assuming from the way things are going we will need some more power soon. We will train new powers at a later date.

Y/N: Sounds good then, lets maybe work on a sword?

Bane: Sure, just go start from the hilt and keep that basic for now. Then keep the edge formless like a cloud circling a invisible blade.

Y/N closed his eyes and focused hard. He was currently outside in the ORC's little courtyard. He focused on the birds chirping, the comfortable breeze, the clean air around him. The everlasting perfection of life itself on a cool spring day was what brought the sword forth from his mind.

Bane: Now instead of just imagining it to be real, let it be one with the world, with the universe. Let it be anchored within time itself!

Bane: Now arise forth with your slumbering power awakened and dawn faal Zorox Tuz! The Sword of Creation itself! Imbue my medallion into the hilt of that sword and it will never truly leave you or disappear neither will it consume magic.

Bane: The sword will grow with you and your own powers. The blade can take any shape or mass you give it. Its only bounds are the magic and creativity of the user. When the user is done with the sword it usually integrates the hilt into a piece of whatever it was imbued to.  And now that it was imbued with me I wonder if I can control the weapon at all?

Bane then focused all of his energy to shape himself into a serrated katana. The hilt changing with the blade. He had done it, and then imbued himself with lightning. Levitating himself, or the blade rather, out of Y/N's hands striking the sky and ground with his lightning.

Bane: Y/N, you now witness the epitome of creation and the power it holds over everything.

A faint golden glow came down around the blade and spreading out over every blade of grass and surrounding tree, eventually reaching Y/N's arms and spreading through his veins.

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