Arc 1 Chapter 6 The Evil Pieces

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A/N: Sorry I've been gone for like 2 years lol. Anyway let's get back into it!

The Devils all teleported to a random house via magic circle and walked in. House isn't the right word more like small mansion.

Kiba: Strays like this one start as servants, like we are, but they rebel against their master and kill them to gain their "freedom."

Rias: Yes these selfish monsters are quite crude. Issei, Y/N are you two familiar with chess?

Issei: Like the game? Then yeah I guess, but I totally suck.

Y/N: Yeah I get the rules, I'm pretty average at it though, why do you ask?

Rias: Devil masters base their peerages around the pieces of the game. We call them "evil pieces."

Issei: Okay, but why do we need to know this?

Y/N: I would assume they grant abilities to us, correct?

Rias: Yes! You hit the nail on the head with that one! Pay attention to my devils here tonight and observe the power of the evil pieces and my peerage.

Bane: I sense a dark presence here kid...

Y/N had a quick glance around the room. It had a big open space with what should be the living space would be except all the furniture was gone or thrown out of the way.

Koneko: She's here...

That's when they turned and all saw the awful creature turning around the corner.

Issei: Boobies!

It was true what the perv said, tis was indeed some honkers. The stray was bare naked and a spider like creature from the waste down. Y/N and Bane seemed to be the only one disturbed by her demeaner though.

???: Mmm something smells awfully delicious~ I wonder is it salty, sweet, or bitter?

Rias: Viser you insolent scum, you betray your master and deceive people into coming here to eat them. Disgusting. In the name of the great marquis of Gremory meet your death!

Viser: You've always had it out for me you slut, your just angry because your breast will never be as luscious as these!

She then fondled her own boobs and giggled like a mad man. Assuming she wasn't already mad.

Bane: Mmm kinky, if she wasn't crazy I'd hit.

Y/N: What the fuck?

Bane: Relax I'm only joking, a little.


And Issei too started giggling like a mad man, with a very pervy face.

Kiba: See what I mean? Only ugliness...

Y/N: Is everyone here crazy?!

Viser: Let me show you what I'm made of then!

Her nipples grew outward with magic circles around them. She was still laughing up a storm going nearly cross eyed.

Y/N: Ew what the fuck!?

That's when the laser beams started firing from the nipples (what the fuck am I writing ) Y/N and the others dodged, but Rias had to move Issei out of the way.

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