technically, you wouldn't enjoy Potion's class due to Professor Snape's...strict method of teaching and behaviours. But it seemed to have changed, you enjoyed it a little bit too much to the point where you would raise your hand at every question you knew the answer to. Although Severus was pleased you knew some information, he didn't pick you up every time, instead choosing another clueless student to pick and embarrass in front of his whole class. There were no potions making this time, only lectures and essay making.

The class ended too fast for your liking. You purposely made sure to fall behind as the majority of students chickened out of his classroom. You even told Johdie to go ahead which she gave you a concerning look before doing so.

You looked towards the professor's direction and slowly walked over to him.

"Sir?" You called out, but the only response you got was his eyes moving upward to meet yours.

"Here's my assignment. I forgot to pass it yesterday." You slid a piece of paper onto his desk and smiled. "Sorry."

For a brief moment, confusion latched itself on the professor's face before he nodded.

"Pleasant to know that you did not forget it, (Last Name). You may go."

You gave him another smile before turning to leave. A part of you wanted to turn around and tell the others what happened to you, but you decided against it. You can't tell anyone, they won't understand, they will only judge. This was a secret worth keeping, even though you wanted to show it off to the whole world. If possible, to the whole universe.

Classes and lectures were done, and you passed all the necessary assignments and work to the professors. It was the end of the day, just past 5 PM. All of the students are just minding their own business, whether it be doing their hobbies, resting, or doing homework. But here you are, leaning against a tree, waiting for him to come. You really hope Severus will come there to the spot you wrote in the paper. Maybe take a walk around. Maybe hang out in your dorm room, or his.

After waiting for a few minutes, your patience finally reached its limit when Severus came. You immediately jumped up from your seat. He seemed surprised to see you, but you ignored the expression on his face in favour of giving him a warm hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to himself, letting you bury yourself in his chest like a child.

You closed your eyes to feel his warm breath, and you smiled. You've missed his scent, the sensation of his arms holding you, his warmth enveloping you, the softness of his embrace. And most importantly, his mere presence near you. How you wished this moment never ended. That you don't have to wake up, to leave this safe haven.

"I missed you." You mumbled into his chest. You felt him hum slightly, his chin pressing onto the top of your head. "I'm glad you came."

"Why wouldn't I?" He spoke quietly, his tone calm and comforting. He moved a strand of hair from your cheek gently, tucking it behind your ear. "I also want to spend time with you."

This sent a shockwave through your body. Not necessarily physically, you're not used to being touched by other people. Or more accurately, you are not used to being touched by Severus. It made your heart skip a beat, causing you to blush profusely.

"let's sit!" You say, sitting down on the soft grass. You patted beside you to signal him to sit. Severus gave you another glance before walking over to you. You grabbed his hands and pulled them over to your lap before intertwining your fingers together.

The sudden intimacy made Severus flinch and subconsciously pull away in an instant. You furrowed your brows before placing your hands on your lap instead.

"Sorry." You apologized, looking downwards to your feet, not wanting to hurt him or make him uncomfortable by touching him more than necessary. You then realise the mistake you just made.

"You're fine," Severus sighed. "I simply wasn't expecting such an action." He admitted, earning a confused look from you, prompting him to continue speaking, "What is it? Why did you want me to this specific location?" He asked, looking down at where your hands were gripping tightly around one another.

"No reason..." You muttered, averting your gaze from him. Severus sighed once again before wrapping his arm over you, pulling you close to his side. You laid your head against his shoulder, sighing happily. "I just wanted to see you. I missed you, you know?"

Your admission caused Severus' lips to curl into a slight smile.

"Is that so?" A low rumble from his chest.


"I certainly hope you remember that we were going to see each other at 8 PM earlier tonight, Do you?" Severus raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I do! I can't forget about it, I just wanted to see you earlier! Is that bad?" You replied defensively.

His grip on your shoulders loosened before squeezing lightly.

"Not at all... figured it would have been better if you waited later tonight since we would be seeing each other nonetheless."

"I just couldn't wait, Sorry." You apologized again, heat rushing to your cheeks. Severus chuckled lowly, shaking his head fondly. He then lifted your head until you were facing him. With a soft gaze, he brushed the hair strands behind your ear, caressing your skin softly and with full adoration. You could feel your pulse quicken when he leaned in closer to you. You closed your eyes, expecting the sensation of his lips on yours, but instead, you felt him kiss your forehead with such gentleness that you wouldn't expect from someone like him.

The soft brush of his lips lingered on your skin, making it feel alive, almost ticklish in fact. You smiled softly and opened your eyes to look at him. His eyes were closed and the corners of his mouth were curved upward. A tiny hint of a smirk appeared on his face after he felt your gaze on him.

"Should we go now?" He asked in a deep raspy voice that made your insides melt.

A giggle escaped your lips, face red.

"Yeah! Why not?" You grinned at him, nodding your head enthusiastically. "I'm starving you think I should eat something before leaving?"

"We can eat supper on the way back. You needn't worry."

"But then I can't eat supper with you??"

"I will be in the same room, It makes no difference," Severus said.

"Alright." You rolled your eyes, grabbing your bag from the floor. You held your hand out for Severus, wanting to intertwine with his while there was no one other but you two. But he did not take your hand.

He gave you a look that said that it was not the right time. Therefore, you took the hint and retreated. It was silent as you both walked. The only sounds you could hear were your footsteps hitting the gravel beneath you. When you arrived at the entrance hall, you parted ways with a last glance. You did not forget to give him one last smile before turning away to sit with your housemates at the table.


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