Chapter 5

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Alex pov
Alex couldn't shake off the lingering feeling of unease as he watched Sara's expression darken the moment she caught sight of him and Mia sharing a  kiss. In that split second, her usually warm demeanor transformed into something guarded and wounded, her eyes betraying a hurt that cut through him like a knife.
I  walked near  to Sara
Alex : Hi Sara meet my girlfriend Mia and Mia this is  Sara
Sara: "I... I didn't know you had a girlfriend. you never mentioned her."

Alex:  "I'm sorry, Sara. I should have told you.
Sara: Its ok it's not like that I'm sorry for saying that.

Mia: "It's nice to meet you, Sara. Alex has told me so much about you."

Sara: (Forced smile) "Nice to meet you too, Mia. I had no idea."

Amidst the lively chatter and laughter surrounding them, Alex’s thoughts raced, trying to make sense of Sara's unexpected reaction. They had been friends since childhood, and he valued their bond immensely. But why did seeing him with Mia seem to affect her so deeply?

As he searched for answers in his mind, he realized with a sinking feeling that there had always been an unspoken connection between Sara and him—a bond born out of shared experiences and unspoken confidences.As a kid he had a crush on Sara.Could it be that she harbored feelings for him that went beyond friendship?

The revelation weighed heavily on Alex, stirring up a swirl of conflicting emotions within him. He cared for Sara deeply, but his heart belonged to Mia. Yet, seeing Sara's hurt expression made him question whether he had unknowingly crossed a line and hurt someone he cherished.

Lost in his thoughts, Alex’s gaze drifted back to Sara, who was now engaged in a forced conversation, her smile strained and her eyes distant. The distance between them felt palpable, a silent barrier that he didn’t know how to breach.
Alex: (Trying to diffuse the tension)  Let's catch up soon and talk about everything. It's been too long, and I miss our friendship."
Sara: (Nods slowly) "Yeah, sure. Let's catch up sometime, Alex."
As I walked away from Sara, I  couldn’t shake the guilt that gnawed at him, wondering if his happiness with Mia had inadvertently caused pain to someone he considered a dear friend. And in that moment, he vowed to find a way to mend the fragmented pieces of their friendship, hoping to salvage what remained of the bond they once shared.

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