Chapter 2

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Alex nervously checked his phone for the umpteenth time, the anticipation of seeing Sarah after so many years making his heart race. They had been close friends as kids, always up to mischief together in the neighborhood. But then His family had moved away to another town, and they had lost touch.

Now, his parents had asked him to pick Sarah up from the airport and show her around town since she had gotten admission to the same college as him. The thought of reuniting with his childhood friend, who now held a special place in his heart, stirred up a mix of excitement and anxiety in Alex.

As he stood near the arrival gates, scanning the crowd of disembarking passengers, his eyes finally landed on a familiar figure. There she was—Sarah, looking just as he remembered but more grown-up and confident. A rush of memories flooded back, filling Alex with a warm nostalgia.

"Sarah!" Alex called out as he made his way towards her. She turned, their eyes meeting in a moment of recognition, and a wide smile broke out on her face. The years apart melted away as they embraced, the feeling of familiarity washing over them.
Sara has warm, expressive eyes that seem to convey a sense of wisdom beyond her years. Her soft, olive skin glows with a natural radiance, and her gentle smile brings an instant sense of comfort to those around her. Her dark, flowing hair frames her face in loose waves, adding a touch of mystery to her overall appearance. There is a quiet strength in her features, hinting at a resilience that lies beneath her calm exterior. Overall, Sara's face exudes a sense of grace and serenity that draws others to her effortlessly.

"It's so good to see you, Alex," Sarah said, her voice filled with genuine joy. "I can't believe we're going to the same college!"

Alex smiled back, feeling a sense of happiness at having his childhood friend back in his life. "I know, it's amazing," he replied. "I can't wait to show you around town and the college. It's going to be like old times."

Together, they walked out of the airport, catching up on lost time and making plans for the future. As they drove through the streets of town, Alex realized that some connections were meant to last a lifetime, no matter how much time had passed. And in that moment, he knew that having Sarah by his side once again would make his college experience all the more special.

Alex: "So, Sara, this is the main quad of our college. It's a great spot to hang out between classes. There's always something happening here."

Sara: "Wow, it's beautiful! I can see why you love it here. Thank you for showing me around, Alex."

Alex: "Of course, I'm glad you're enjoying it. Hey, how about we grab some coffee at that cafe over there? We can sit and catch up a bit more."

Sara: "Sounds perfect. I could use a coffee break after all this walking."

(They walk over to the campus cafe and find a table by the window overlooking the quad.)

Alex: "This brings back memories of when we used to play together as kids, running around and exploring every corner of our neighborhood. Remember how we used to build forts and play hide and seek?"

Sara: "Yes, those were some of the best times. I miss those carefree days. It's hard to believe it's been so long since we last saw each other."

Alex: "I know, time flies by so quickly. I still remember the day my parents told me we were moving away from our town. It was tough leaving behind all my friends, including you."

Sara: "I remember that day too. I was so sad to see you go. But hey, here we are now, years later, sharing a coffee at your college. Who would have thought we'd end up here together?"

Alex: "Life has a funny way of bringing people back together, doesn't it? I'm just grateful we have this chance to reconnect and relive some of our favorite memories."

Sara: "Me too, Alex. I'm so glad we got to catch up today. Let's make sure we stay in touch this time, no more years of lost time."

(They clink their coffee cups together in a toast to friendship and shared memories, appreciating the moment of connection and nostalgia in their busy lives.)

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