Dearest, Suzune

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Dearest, Suzune

I hope this letter finds you well. It has been a while, and I apologize for not responding to you sooner. It might be a little late, considering it's been 3 years since we last spoke. And in those same 3 years you've written and sent me a letter weekly. But now I can finally make it up to you, so allow me to respond to your most important questions in this letter.

I'm doing well. My cooking has actually improved quite a bit, I could likely compete with you now. And what is that about me being dull? Still mean as ever, aren't you. But perhaps it would be much stranger if you were more considerate with yours words since that is not the Horikita I'm familiar with. Anyway, regarding my birthday, please don't worry about never greeting me. At the time I didn't really think of the event as anything important to celebrate personally, so it doesn't bother me at all. And my dream occupation? Well, I'm still thinking of it to be honest. I don't know what I want in all honesty. And on that note, I can already feel your face scrunching in disappointment for such an underwhelming answer but then again you would have expected that from me, wouldn't you?

Thank you for sharing the news to me about Airi. I'm quite glad she's doing alright. I'm not sure if I'm ready to visit her yet though, it might be awkward, so that might be put on hold for now. And hey, you're getting along with Kushida even outside of school? That's... quite unexpected. According to all your letters that you mentioned her, it's a close relationship compared to before. I'm happy for you. And the news about your brother is wonderful, him being CEO was not a suprise, but it was about time he and Tachibana-senpai got together-- or is it technically going to be ' Horikita  Akane ' - senpai now? Nonetheless, send him my good wishes for their future.

There's a lot more I wish to say, but I'll continue to tell you in other upcoming letters. And maybe I don't have the right to ask anything of you, especially after what happened back then, and right now ( where I've kept you waiting for so long ) but....

Suzune, please don't let this be your last letter.




It can't be.

It couldn't be.

Really, it shouldn't be, but-- As Suzune subconsciously traces her index through each paragraph, each word, she knew. This was his handwriting. Pristine, simplistic, yet masterful. She can still faintly recall his throwaway comment of being good at calligraphy back then, and this shows. She pursed her lips, brows furrowed, along with feelings that wandered in between happiness and uncertainty. 


Two days after she received the letter, Suzune meets up with Kikyo at the cafe.

" Huh, he actually responded?" Kikyo asked, the suprise evident on her face. 

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