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For the rest of the day we finished our trainings and after we were done I went to the PX at around 6 pm to see if I could find something to wear for tonight.

I eventually found a cute outfit, paid for it and when back to my dorm at the barracks.

I got in the shower and cleaned myself throughly for the night. All the sweat, dirt and gunpowder on my fingers definitely made me look rough from today's training.

I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in my towel, walking into my room to get changed.

At the Px I found a cute pair of light jeans with black embroidered flowers on them,and a tight knitted long sleeve sweater.

I put them on with a pair of boots and belt, and did a little bit of makeup.

I took the towel off my head and fluffed up my hair so it would dry wavy. Right as I was putting deodorant and perfume on I heard a knock at my door.

I finished what I was doing and went to open it.

Holy shit...

My eyebrows raised as I looked König over. Damn did he clean up nice...

He was wearing a black, also knitted, short sleeve shirt that hugged his biceps incredibly well. His shirt was tucked in to a pair of black slacks, with black dress shoes.

Without even realizing it we were almost matching and I thought it was adorable.

"Well don't you clean up nice."

My eyes looked over him again before making eye contact. I couldn't help but smile a bit as I tilted my head.

I saw him smirk under his hood as he eyed me for a moment. His face went bright red and he cleared his throat, snapping himself out of his thoughts.

"I'm not the only one who cleans up nice. Verdammt... look at you."

I felt the pink cross my cheeks as I shyly smiled. I motioned with my head for him to come in.

"I'm almost done getting ready. Then we can meet up with the others."

He came in and shut the door behind him as he sat down on my bed, anxiously playing with his hands.

I walked back into my bathroom and did the finishing touches on my outfit and hair.

"You gonna keep the hood on all night?"

I said just loud enough to get his attention as I walked out to grab my wallet and dorm key.

He chuckled slightly and looked down to his hands.

"I was actually thinking about taking it off after we got off base..."

My smile grew a bit wider that he felt confident enough to take it off not only around me but also our squad.

"I don't think that's a bad idea. Easier to drink without it on too."

I grabbed my things and took a deep breath.

"Okay. You ready to meet up with the others? The bar is only a few blocks away right? So we can all walk there."

He stood up and nodded at my questions.

"Ja, it's just a few blocks down the road... but uh... before we leave..."

He took a deep breath in and reached into his pocket.

He looked shy and slightly nervous as he pulled out a bright, red string, beaded bracelet. He looked at it in his hands for a moment as he played with the beads.

The Perfect SoldierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora