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About two more hours had gone by and we were all tipsy, starting to really feel the effects of the alcohol now.

Taylor was slumped back in his seat looking the most drunk, Roze and Fender were the most sober out of all of us, Horangi had been picking on König all night and I just sat back and enjoyed all of it.

"Let's get a few rounds of shots! Maesil-ju anyone?"

Horangi chimed up and everyone cringed at his suggestion on the shot of choice.

Taylor tried to chime in but I quickly silenced with a look that said 'no, you've had enough' as he slumped over again and pouted.

I got another buttery nipple shot, Roze got straight Tequila, Fender got an Espresso shot, and König got Asbach Uralt.

I made an icky face as I looked over to König and shivered.


Horangi came back and set all the shots down in front of us as he raised it to his nose.

"Do you not like brandy?"

I shook my head and fake gaged at it.

"Eguhhh, god no. Brandy and I do not mix well."

He shook his head and laughed.

"Let me guess, you had a bad experience?"

I shivered at the thought again.

"I was 16, drinking Brandy straight out of the body with my brother and got so drunk he had to carry me by my arms to bed. Later that night I threw up and almost died choking on it in my sleep."

Everyone shook their heads and chuckled.

"Got it, no brandy for you then."

Roze chimed in as everyone lifted their shot glasses up.

"A toast..."

Everyone including myself turned our attention to König as he spoke up.

A slight smile raised to my lips remembering that the whole reason we were here was to celebrate.

"To our Juggernaut. Glad to have such a badass on the team..."

My smile went a bit wider as I nodded once to him.

"To our juggernaut!"

The rest of the group joined in before throwing all their shots back.

As I threw mine back as well König and I kept eye contact. My appreciation for him grew a bit more as he sat back and took in a shaken breath from the sting of the alcohol.

Horangi stood up and made his way over to the small music box in the corner of the room.

I glanced from him to König knowing exactly what he was aiming for as I tired to hide my grin.

Horangi paid for the next few songs and started off with some that he knew König would like, but the third song in was the one that he thought König couldn't resist singing along to. Especially since the alcohol was really starting to get to him now.

He came and sat back down trying to distract from the fact that the music was playing.

Everyone was drunkenly distracted again by the middle of the second song and when it ended I could see König's ears perk up at the beginning of the third song.

He leaned even further back in his chair as his eyes closed and he started to softly sing the intro.

You put a spell on me, I'm losing my mind...You better stop things, It's a matter of time.

The Perfect SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now