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He said his dad left at a young age... if Alexander was a family name, it could've been his dad's... Maybe he doesn't like it because of that?

Or maybe it has to do with him being a contractor. Keeping everything anonymous can help with keeping his mom safe.

I wonder what she looks like? Is she tall to? Or did he get his height from his dad? What does her smile look like?

How close is she with König? I know he said she was a single mother when she was raising him. Has she found someone since he joined the military?

Does he wear his hood around her too? How is he running in that thing? Isn't he hot? Is he breathing okay?

I looked over in front of me where he was running and he looked gassed... at least he's almost done.

I had lapped the group already 3 times but I still had 2 miles left to go.

As I was sprinting up behind him I could tell he was annoyed at the fact that this was so easy for me.

"On your left Colonel..."

I said in low voice has he huffed out a weak chuckle.

The smile on my face grew a bit wider as I saw him shake his head out of the corner of my eye.

Thankfully one full lap of the track was a mile, so I didn't have to keep track of specific spots.

It was nice to just run again. Not worry about if I was doing enough to not get docked points.

Once Taylor crossed the finish line he bent over and tried to steady his breath. He got a solid time of 14:10.

After my second third lap I talked to him as I ran by to get his time.

At the pace I was going I was going to make it by 29 minutes at the latest... but I might be able to cut a minute or two off if I pushed myself...

I pushed myself a bit harder as I kept sprinting, making sure to keep track of my breathing and not overwork myself.

On my 4th lap I saw König laying flat on his back with his chest heaving for any oxygen he could get.

A smirk grew on my face as I shook my head.

"What's your time Colonel?!"

He sat his head up briefly and in between huffs she shouted back.


I nodded as his head dropped back down the floor with a thud.

I lapped a few other people as they were finishing up their second lap and I could tell it disappointed them.

Home stretch... Come on... push...

I took a deep breath in through my nose and let it out of my mouth as I pushed harder.

My legs were starting to feel like jello but I knew I had to just finish this last little bit.

I put my head down slightly and just tried to keep track of where my feet were.

Come on... Just a few more seconds... Go... Go!

As my feet hit the finish line I aimed for a small patch of grass off to the side and let my body fold as I rolled onto it.

Out stretching my arms and legs as I laid flat on my back and tired to catch my breath. I looked over to the person with the timer and tired to get a large breath in.

The Perfect SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now