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I got the X-rays, and MRI done and was back into the room with König while we waited for the results.

One of the nurses had come in and got me cleaned up a bit and started to stitch up my cuts.

I would still be needing a shower later, but most of the blood and sweat was cleaned off. König watched the nurses like a hawk the entire time I was getting stitched up.

Once I was done the nurses left the room and I lied down and waited for the doctor to come in.

He sat down in a chair next to me and held onto my hand. He was super quiet and I knew he was starting to overthink things again.

"You stare at that door any harder and your gonna burn a hole through it..."

I heard him chuckling a bit before he sighed and looked down at the floor. His hand was sweaty as it lied on top of mine but I felt him ease up a bit after my comment.

"You know... while we're here you should get that leg checked out..."

He looked down to his leg forgetting the bullet graze he had on his thigh. He squeezed my hand a few times and sighed.

"I'll get it checked out after we get your results back."

I chucked a bit and shook my head.

"Look who's not taking care of themselves now..."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes at me as he leaned back a bit.

"Okay, okay... I'll get it checked out after we are done with you... Versprechen..."

Just as I was about to make a comment back the door opened and the doctor came in. König stood up and kept hold of my hand as he impatiently waited to hear the news.

The doctor came in and sat down, he looked at König and then back at me with a "is he okay?" kinda look. I sat up and waved him off.

"He's freaked out and thinks I'm kill over any second... Ignore him... What's the results doc?"

He nodded a bit as he looked back over his files and put the photos from the scans up on a board.

"A few broken ribs, some bruising in your lungs and a hairline fracture in your hip but the X-ray and the MRI results came back normal... No internal bleeding... You'll recover in time..."

I nodded and looked over to König who was still white as a ghost.

"See. I told you I was fine."

He leaned over the side of the bed a bit and sighed. I rolled my eyes with a smile as I brought my attention back to the doctor.

"Lemme guess 5 weeks recovery, no heavy lifting or straining. Pain meds will be at the pharmacy when we leave."

The doc nodded his head and started typing in his notes on the computer.

"I'd say between 2-4 weeks... A few bones were broken so they'll need more time to mend than typical fractures. And yes, no strenuous activity until then... I'll also give you a prescription for pain meds since I'm assuming you're starting to feel the effects of it wearing off?"

I nodded as he wrote down a prescription and handed it to König. Right before he walked out the door I got his attention.

"One more thing Doc... He's got a graze wound on his thigh. Can you send a nurse in to check it out?"

He nodded and looked between us again as he walked out.

König sighed again as he leaned over the side of the bed and squeezed my hand a few times. I leaned my head against his shoulder and just closed my eyes as I waited for the nurse to come in.

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