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How does he breathe with that thing on all the time... Especially while working out. And is that just an old t-shirt with holes cut for his eyes? Why does he wear it? Does he have scars or something he's trying to cover up?

How old is he? He doesn't seem much older than me...Maybe late 20's, or early 30's? He's just as much of a mystery to me, that I am to him...

"Hey, I'm gonna go lift weights for a bit." His voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I saw him step off the side of the treadmill.

I nodded faintly and watched him walk over to one of the weight benches and set up a bar for himself.

That's almost 450 pounds...

My eyes widened as I watched him load up the bar and set it down on the rack. Was he really gonna bench press that?...

He laid down and griped the bar with both of his hands and lifted it over the edge... He slowly brought it down to chest and back up...

I watched him do it 9 more times and I couldn't help but keep my eyes locked on him.

Holy hell.... He's stronger than I thought... He did that like it was nothing...

He sat up and looked in the mirror back at me and I looked back out the window. It was a little awkward that I got caught looking but he also looked away quickly.

Trying to process what all he was actually capable of. He's huge... I knew that already, but he's strong as fuck too.

After about an hour and a half of being in the gym I saw him stand up and whip the sweat off of his face with the face coving he always wore.

The front of his shirt was soaked and stuck to his body, I finally saw how toned he was. It was impressive.

I slowed the treadmill down and wiped my sweat off of my brow. I wasn't nearing as drenched as he was, but still worked up a good sweat.

I saw that they had a water station in the corner of the room and I walked over to it. I heard his footsteps follow up behind me as I moved out of the way for him.

He filled up his bottle and turned away from me slightly as he lifted his mask just high enough to get a drink. What was he hiding under that mask...

"Du weisst... You're probably gonna hate me for asking this but..." His words caught me off guard as I turned my attention towards him.

His voice was quiet and slightly nervous as he looked at me. "... Can I ask you something personal?"

I nodded slightly. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to... but, why do you like running so much? I can tell it's one of the few things that you enjoy..."

I shrugged a bit as I tore my eyes away from him. His head moved to the ground but he kept his eyes on me.

"You used to run with a friend... nicht du?" His voice was quiet and somber as he spoke.

"No Sir. I didn't have friends." I looked down the ground briefly before turning to look out the window again, it was dark and the sunset was gone...

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