Chapter 49: Uncle Shane... Alive?!

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Y/N's P.O.V

Just then I hear a knock at the door and sit up.

Vanessa: Y/N, you in there?

I gasp as she can't see me in my suit.

Before she comes in I put my jacket on and zip it up.

I look at her.

Y/N: Mum!

Vanessa: Hey, sweetie. I didn't hear you come in.

I rush over and hug.

Y/N: Oh thank god, you're okay.

Vanessa: Oh, wow. You haven't hugged me like this since you were eight.

Y/N: I can let go if you want.

Vanessa: No, this is nice.

Y/N: You were right, mum. You were right about everything.

Vanessa: Of course I was. I always am. What was I right about?

I pull away.

Y/N: No-one's been here, have they? You know like a douchebag with serious anger management issues?

Vanessa: Uh, no. Not last I checked.

Y/N: Good.

I lock the window and pull down the blinds.

Y/N: Mum, people are coming for us. Someone bad is coming for our family. His name is Spot. He's my nemesis. I have to protect you. I have to protect our family.

Vanessa: Baby, what's going on? You're scaring me.

Y/N: I know you know there's something I've not been telling you. And I didn't tell you because I was worried that if I did you wouldn't love me the same. Then I went out there and now... I'm not afraid of anything.

Vanessa: What do you wanna tell me?

Y/N: You gotta promise nothing's gonna change.

Vanessa: Y/N, I will always love you.

Y/N: You gotta promise, mum. Please.

Vanessa: Always. I don't care what you say. I'll always love you, baby.

I sigh and step away.

Y/N: Mum... I'm... I'm Spider-Man.

I unzip my jacket to show her my torn-up suit underneath.

She tilts her head.

Vanessa: You're what? Who's Spider-Man?

Y/N: The superhero. He got bit by a spider? It gave him spider powers? He's me.

Vanessa: Oh, I get it. This is one of those comic book characters you love reading about, right? You made that for Comic-Con, right?

Y/N: What? No, mum. I...

Vanessa: You had me for a second there. Okay, Spider-Man. Why don't you have eight arms? Do you shoot webs out of your butt?

Y/N: Well, I had a nightmare about that once.

Vanessa: Are you sure you woke up?

Y/N: No. Mum, I'm serious.

We walk out of the room.

Vanessa: I know, I believe you, baby. You need to change. Your uncle will be here any minute. And I've gotta pick up your brother.

Y/N: Mum, uncle Shane isn't here. He's is...

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