Rainbow in the Dark

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Eddie's POV:"Emmaline?" I called out

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Eddie's POV:
"Emmaline?" I called out. I was in my trailer. A lamp or two was the only thing illuminating light. My girlfriend wasn't next to me. It was odd. I walked down the hallway towards my uncle's room. "Wayne?" I said. Nothing. Everything was silent. I was so utterly confused. I headed for the door, opening it and going outside. It was dark outside. The trailer park looked bleak and lonely. "Eddie." A deep voice said. I whipped around, looking to see where the voice came from. I gulped and watched as the trailer park seemed to rot. Vines and otherworldly creatures started to cover everything. "Dustin? Steve? Emmaline?" I said. The same voice from before entered the air as I called out for my friends. "There's no one here, Eddie. It's just you and me." I had to think. What was going on. Shit! Vecna had me under his spell. The curse. My hands shook at my sides and I remembered that music would be the only thing to bring me back. "Fuck." I whispered. I saw Vecna in the distance, walking towards the trailer. "I thought your girlfriend would make a perfect addition to my collection but no. You're even better. Your mother dying, your father walking out on you. You being afraid that Emmaline will realize that she could do better. Such a stupid fear. One that will cost you your life." I turned on my heel and started running. Fog seemed to pool at my feet and the woods around me looked alive. The trees shook as the wind blew through them, screeches from some ungodly creature echoed in the air. "It's not real. It's not real." I mumbled to myself. I stopped as a vine wrapped itself around my leg. I gasped in pain and Vecna said "I'm real. And I'm going to give you a choice." I pulled at the vine around my leg, trying to get free as Vecna continued to walk towards me. I took a step foward, the vine tightening itself around my leg. I groaned and pulled at it again, managing to get free as it snapped. The remaining piece of the vine fell off my leg. I started to run again. "Eddie, I'll only tell you this once. And you'll listen to me." I was stopped by Vecna using his hand. I was frozen in place. I felt myself float off the ground a bit. "Here's your choice." My eyes widened as his hand hovered above my face. "I kill your girlfriend and she becomes my loyal partner and helps me take down your friends. I'll let you live. Or I kill you and you become my right hand man. If I much as snap my fingers, you do what I say. Choose wisely." I thought about the only girl I ever loved being a slave to the Upside Down. I couldn't have that. I couldn't live while she would be stuck in another dimension forever. I was the town freak. Nobody would miss me. Except for Emmaline. And probably Dustin. If I had to hurt them to keep them safe from Vecna, I could do it. I could sacrifice myself. "T-Take me. Don't hurt Em. She doesn't deserve it. She doesn't deserve it." I said. Vecna seemed pleased with that answer. "I'll take you now. You'll be mine." His fingers cracked as he moved them in front of my eyes. As I tried to prepare myself for a painful death, Dio started to play. A soft gasp left my lips as I could see everyone surrounding me, calling my name and begging me to wake up. "Eddie, please! Please don't go." Emmaline cried.

Emmaline's POV:
A frightened scream left my lips when I saw the eyes of my boyfriend turn white. "Alyssa! Dustin!" I called for my friends. Everyone rushed into the room. Robin's eyes widened. "Holy shit!" She exclaimed. I pulled on Eddie's wrist and tried to pull him down. Steve did the same but on the opposite side. "Eddie!!" Dustin yelled. Alyssa grabbed me and said "what's his favorite song?" Tears filled my eyes as I stared at Eddie. His lifeless body hovered in the air. My vision started to blur and I started to hyperventilate. "Em!" Alyssa said. I looked at her and said "Dio. I have some Dio. Uhm, Rainbow in the Dark." "Get it!! Find the tape!" Dustin said. Lucas grabbed the Walkman from my nightstand and Dustin looked around the room for the tape. Robin picked it up and said "this?! This rock shit?!" "Yes, give it to me!" Dustin put the tape in the Walkman and handed the headphones to Steve. Steve set the headphones on Eddie's head and shoved the Walkman in Eddie's pocket as he pushed play. "Wake up, Eddie!" Steve said. I shook Eddie and beat on his chest with my fists. "Come on! I'm right here! Please!" I cupped his cheek and said "Eddie, I love you. Don't do this. Come back to me. It's not real. Come back to the real world. I'm here, baby. Please, Eddie." Lucas and Dustin's screams were reverberating off the walls. Seeing Eddie like this was definitely going to give me nightmares. The longer Eddie hovered in the air, the more scared I got. "It's not working! Why isn't it working?!" I panicked. "Emmaline, it'll work." Nancy said calmly. I looked around at everyone in the room. "I can't lose him." Dustin had small tears fill his eyes. "Eddie!" He screamed. Milo took a step forward and said "wake up, Munson! Seriously! If you die, I'll bring you back just to kill you again for hurting Em!" "Eddie, please! Please don't go." I said softly. That was when Eddie's eyes shot open. Steve struggled to stay on the bed as Eddie came crashing down. Even though Eddie fell, he caught me and pulled me to him. Eddie buried his face into the crook of my neck. His whole body shook with sobs. I stroked his head and held him tightly. Dustin appeared next to me, hugging Eddie. Steve did the same, holding me and Eddie. "You're ok. I'm here, Eddie. You're ok. I promise." Eddie's arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me into his lap. His head laid on my chest now. I stroked his head, trying to hold back my tears. I slowly wrapped my legs around him, wanting him to feel safe. "Shit. Vecna has tried to get Max, Emmaline and Eddie. What does that mean?" Robin asked. Steve looked at her and shrugged. Steve's hand moved up and down my back and he patted Eddie's shoulder. "Emmaline. Em. Oh my god, Em." Eddie mumbled my name into my chest. Dustin sniffled and said "Eddie, we got you." Eddie sobbed and Alyssa said "we need to figure out what his motive is. Maybe I need to try and contact him." "Is that a good idea?" Nancy said. Alyssa shrugged and said "like Robin said, he's come for three of us. We need to figure out why." I ran my fingers through Eddie's hair, knowing it would calm him down. "You're ok, Eds. I'm here. I've got you. It's me and you. You're safe. You're safe." Eddie slowly looked up at me, his brown eyes full of tears. I cupped his cheek and Eddie's lip quivered. He sniffled and a soft sob left his lips. I kissed his forehead and Eddie's hand slowly held my hand to his cheek. "I'm here, Eds." "Em..." I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. Eddie's face was red from crying and he needed the reassurance that he was ok. That he was with me. He trembled in my arms and my heart broke. "Em..." Small tears filled my eyes. "You're ok, Eddie. I promise. I'm right here." He nodded with a gulp, trying to keep himself composed. I kissed his cheek and tried desperately to calm him down. "Wanna go clean yourself up?" I said softly. Eddie nodded and Dustin pulled away. He wiped his face and said "I'm really glad you're ok, Eddie." "Thanks, Dustin." Eddie whispered. Steve's hand left my back and he said "if you guys need anything let us know. We're here for you, Eddie." Eddie nodded at Steve and said "thanks, Steve." I removed myself from Eddie and led him into my bathroom. Eddie winced softly and I noticed crimson liquid dripping down his leg. "What's..." "I was trapped in there. I was running and there was this vine. It was attached to my leg and I pulled it off. He was trying to stop me." Eddie interrupted me. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "but if it was all in your head how did you get this? This is an actual injury." Eddie shrugged with a scoff. "Can you take these off so I can look at it?" Eddie shimmied out of his jeans with an eye roll, sitting on the counter. I saw the small cut on his leg. I grabbed some first aid stuff and started to wrap his leg. Eddie barely acknowledged me as I did so. I looked up at him. "Is it too tight?" I said. Eddie looked down at me and shook his head. I stood back up and Eddie wiped his face with some tissue. "I was really scared." Eddie sighed and said "me too. I didn't mean to scare you." "It's not your fault. I just wanted you to come back to me. I need you." Eddie looked at his hands in his lap, not making eye contact with me. I kissed his cheek and said "I'll give you some time alone." Eddie's head snapped up to look at me and he said "no." "Are you sure? You can just stay in here." "Stay with me. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to process this. He said horrible things to me. Awful things, Em. About me. About you. I guess I'm just feeling upset about it. And I'm scared." I threw my arms around him and said "I'm scared too. I don't want you to leave me. Please don't leave me, Eddie. Promise me you won't. Promise me you'll stay." Eddie hugged me, a relieved sigh leaving his lips. "I promise." Eddie cupped my cheek as I went to pull away. My eyes went to his plump lips. "Kiss me." I whispered. Eddie's breath quivered and he pressed his lips to mine, our lips moving in sync. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. "I love you so much, sweetheart." Eddie mumbled against my lips. I hummed in response, not wanting to stop kissing him. Eddie moved to my neck, kissing up and down. I sighed and said "Eddie..." He stopped kissing me and said "if I keep going I'll have to fuck you right here." I gasped and said "Eddie." I shook my head in disbelief and giggled softly. Eddie went to respond but his stomach did it for him. "Sorry. I'm starving." He said. I pointed to his jeans and said "well, put those back on and I'll make you something to eat." I moved out of the way as Eddie pulled his jeans on. My boyfriend exhaled and I said "you're ok?" "Yeah. I'm ok. I've got you. I think if I didn't have you I'd go insane. I mean, I don't know how I haven't lost my mind. Learning about other dimensions and a monster wanting to kill me. It's crazy. As for you, keep listening to Curt Smith." "What about you? Dio saved your life." I said. Eddie cupped my cheek and said "you saved my life." I half smiled and the two of us left my bathroom, going downstairs. Dustin and Lucas were in front of the tv. "Patrick McKinney was murdered." Lucas said in shock. Dustin looked over his shoulder and said "and the cops think Eddie's the one who killed him." Everyone in the room seemed to look at Eddie. "So, everyone thinks I'm a murderer now. Great. Not only am I the town freak. Now I'm the town murderer."

Here's the update!! This book is slowly but surely moving through ST4!! I have so many things I still have to incorporate into this book and I'll get there but I want to make sure it's perfect!!

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