The First Death

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Eddie's POV:"Eds

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Eddie's POV:
"Eds." A soft voice said. I immediately sat up and looked around the room. "Are you ok?" I looked to my right and saw Emmaline, worry written on her face. "I had a nightmare." I said as I furrowed my eyebrows. Nightmares were something I never had. I hadn't had them since I was a kid. Emmaline rubbed my back and said "I'm sorry. You were mumbling in your sleep a little. Then your breathing started to pick up. I wanted whatever you were dreaming about to go away. I didn't mean to wake you." I tackled Em to the bed softly so I could put my head on her chest. She gasped in surprise but then giggled. The dark world I had dreamed about creeped into my mind. Emmaline's house covered in darkness while she cried from sadness and fear. I remember not being able to help her. I just had to watch her cry. My breath quivered as I thought about it. Emmaline's hand ran through my hair and I swear my worries started to disappear. "Thank you." I mumbled. "What for?" Em asked. I squeezed her and said "waking me up." "You're welcome. I guess we're both having trouble sleeping." I nodded against her chest. My stomach growled and Emmaline said "alright, big guy. Let's go and get some food." "I'm starving." Emmaline laughed and said "you ate a whole pizza last night." "That was last night, Em. We're on a whole new day now." I sat up so I could look down at her. I cupped her cheek and kissed her lips. Emmaline smiled into the kiss and the two of us headed downstairs. Dustin was flipping through channels. Robin yawned and Emmaline said "want some coffee?" "It'll make me more hyper so I shouldn't have some but yes I want some." She replied. Steve immediately looked over and said "no. No." Robin stood up and her and Emmaline went into the kitchen. Steve grumbled to himself and I stopped him before he went into the kitchen, putting my arm out in front of him. Steve went to brush me off and I was quick to brush his arm away from me. "Let the girls have fun." I told him with a smirk. Steve rolled his eyes and said "Robin will be ten times more talkative with coffee." "Maybe Em will make her coffee mild. You never know." Steve sighed and didn't answer. He rubbed his eyes and I said "did you sleep ok?" He shrugged and said "yeah. I uh...I guess I'm not used to sleeping in other people's houses. I miss my bed sometimes but I hate being in that big empty house. My parents are never there. And the house is just...too big." "I hear you. My trailer is so small. Nothing like this house. Em's house is a mansion compared to my trailer. Which I don't mind. Me and my uncle live happily in there. But, when I'm here at Em's it's different. Plus since I've been with her, I can't sleep by myself anymore. I kinda need her to sleep." I rambled. Steve chuckled softly and said "you're whipped, aren't you?" "Yeah, Harrington. I am." Steve looked at Emmaline who was fixing a cup of coffee for herself and giving a very mild cup to Robin. "She's really sweet. You got lucky, Munson." "I know. She's the girl of my dreams." Steve winced and said "god, you really love her." "I really fucking do." Steve went to walk away and I followed him. "Steve?" He looked at me with a quirked eyebrow. "Hey, I don't know how dangerous Vecna is going to be since we don't really know his game plan but can you promise me something?" Steve nodded and said "sure." "Promise me that if I'm not there and she's in danger or something happens to'll protect Emmaline. You save her. No matter what." "You're gonna do that yourself." Steve said. I grabbed Steve by the shirt and said "promise me." "Sure. I promise." I nodded, letting go of Steve. Emmaline said "Steve did you want some coffee?" "Yeah. Sure." Steve walked away from me and Emmaline went to ruffle Dustin's hair. He stopped flipping through the tv channels when he landed on the news. Which was covering a murder. My eyes widened and Dustin said "do you guys think..." "That's Vecna. Totally." Max said from the stairs. Emmaline looked at the tv as Chief Powell explained that a teenager had been murdered. "He didn't kill Chrissy." I mumbled. Dustin looked at me and then looked at Max. Robin sipped her coffee and said "why wouldn't Vecna kill Chrissy?" Steve was quick to down his coffee. "Maybe we could go to the scene? Find something?" Steve suggested. Emmaline nodded in agreement and said "ok. Let me get dressed really quick." She took her cup of coffee with her upstairs. Dustin stood up and said "let me do the same. I'll be right back." "Dustin." Max said as she went to follow him out of the house. Robin set her cup down and said "Emmalineeeee." She then went upstairs. I was left in the living room with Steve. Steve sat on the couch and said "sorry you got dragged into this." "Into what?" I said with furrowed brows. "The Upside Down and monsters from another dimension. We used to have this one girl, she has superpowers but they went bye bye so we don't have our secret weapon." "A girl with superpowers?" I asked. Steve nodded. "Where is she?" "Moved to California. Wouldn't matter if she didn't. She doesn't have her powers." I shrugged and said "well, maybe Vecna isn't that powerful." "Aren't you the dungeons and dragons nerd? Is Vecna powerful in the game?" I brought my hand up to my lips, starting to bite my nails. I nodded. "Great." Steve said. Emmaline and Robin came downstairs, giggling. My eyes went to the jeans that hugged Emmaline's hips. "Are we ready?" She said. Steve jutted his thumb over his shoulder and said "Dustin went to change. I'll take him with me so he doesn't annoy you guys." "He's not annoying." Emmaline said. Robin leaned her head on Emmaline's shoulder. A minute or so later Dustin showed back up with Max. The more I thought about someone being murdered by Vecna, the more stressed out I got. What if he tried to kill one of us? He couldn't hurt Em. I wouldn't let him. If it came down to it, it'd be me instead of her. The sound of Steve's keys jingling broke me out of my thoughts. Emmaline had her purse on her shoulder and grabbed my hand, pulling it away from my mouth. "Don't do that." She said softly. I nodded and said "I'm starting to get stressed out, babe." "Don't be. I'm right here, Eddie. We're all here." I kissed her forehead and she said "I'm driving." I was quick to snatch her keys from her. "Hey!" She said. I smirked and said "how about I drive?" Emmaline narrowed her eyes at me and I chuckled. "Riding arrangements. Figure it out." Steve said to the group. Emmaline tried to take her keys from me and I dodged her. "It's my car, Ed's." She crossed her arms over her chest, her arms pushing her boobs up. She huffed and I adverted my eyes off of her. I jingled her keys and she reached for them again. I laughed and Emmaline said "give me my keys." I towered over her and said "how about I'll drive and you sit in the passenger seat looking pretty, hmm? Like a princess should." Emmaline rolled her eyes and said "fine." "We could stop for ice cream on the way back." Emmaline didn't seem phased by my offer. She looked down at her feet. "Or maybe I'll just buy you 2 Hershey bar's." Emmaline's eyes flickered up to look at me. I quirked an eyebrow and said "yeah? Does that sound good?" "Yeah. Don't drive my car like an idiot." She said. I kissed Emmaline's cheek and said "never. I'll treat her like I treat you." "Shotgun!" Dustin yelled as he ran for Steve's car. "No way!" Robin exclaimed. "Great. They're all in my car." Steve mumbled as he walked outside. Max followed Dustin and I smirked at Emmaline. "Just you and I? That's even better." Emmaline hit me in the chest and said "don't get any stupid ideas." My eyes went to her chest and I put Emmaline's key's in my pocket. I grabbed her by her waist, closing the small gap between us. She giggled softly and I leaned in to kiss her. As our lips moved in sync, Emmaline reached up to cup my cheek. My hands slowly moved upwards, under her sweater. I felt the undersides of her boobs. "No bra?" I said against her lips. Emmaline pushed on my chest and said "Eddie!" I kissed her neck up and down. "They're waiting on us. Come on." I pulled away from her neck and then kissed her forehead. Emmaline pulled me out of the house, taking the keys out of my pocket, locking the door and handing them back to me. Emmaline kissed my nose and I smiled at her. The two of us got in her car and followed Steve. Emmaline's Camaro revved as I drove down the road. Emmaline switched through the radio stations before landing on Foreigner. Urgent played through the speakers. I sang the words as we drove. "Urgent!" I poked Em's side. "Ow, Eddie!" She whined. I leaned over and kissed her cheek, my hand going to her side. She jumped and I said "I'm not gonna poke you." "Please, don't. I'm all ticklish now." "Yeah?" I ran my hand over her stomach and she jumped. "Eds, seriously." I stopped at a red light, grabbing her by the chin. I kissed her lips and started driving as the light turned green. As we approached the area from the news, Nancy Wheeler was being interviewed by the police. "Wheeler?" I questioned. Emmaline looked around at the scene. "He was found here? In the middle of the road? How does that make sense?" Nancy was finished talking to the police and we all went somewhere to talk. Nancy had been driving a big station wagon. Dustin immediately started telling her about Vecna. My eyes went wide and every mention of Chrissy made me cringe. "We tried to help her." I told Nancy. Emmaline nodded as she held my arm, leaning her head on my shoulder. It was cold out as we all tried to figure out what was happening in Hawkins. Every once in a while Emmaline would sniffle. It was from the cold. Nancy started to ask Dustin some questions. They were all coming up with theories. "You ok?" I said to Em. She sniffled again and said "yeah. Just cold." Emmaline grabbed my left hand and interlocked it with hers. I kissed her head and went back to listening to the conversation. All the talk about Vecna was scary. It made me want to put Emmaline into a protective bubble where nothing could happen to her. I felt Emmaline messing with the rings on my fingers. Her much smaller fingers ran over the costume jewelry. Her thumb ran over the skull ring. "Emmaline." She looked up at Nancy. "So, you were with Eddie when Chrissy was taken?" Emmaline nodded. "Did you guys see anything? Anything weird? Any monsters?" "Monsters?" I asked. Emmaline shook her head. "Just the tentacle things that took her. Nothing else. Oh, it was red. Like a bright red glow. And flashes. I think it was lightning." "Sounds like the upside down." Nancy mumbled. Emmaline looked back down at my hand, playing with my fingers. I nudged her and she ignored me as she brought my hand into her lap. I nudged her again and she hummed in response. "Having fun, sweetheart? Seems like you're occupied." Emmaline brought my hand to her lips, kissing it. "I like your hands." She said softly. I chuckled. "My hands?" "Uh-huh." I smiled and Dustin said "I haven't heard from Lucas in a couple of days." "Of course." Max said while she rolled her eyes. "Someone needs to find him. I'm sure Jason isn't doing well with Chrissy missing." Nancy said. I sighed softly and said "do you think people think I did it?" "No. The only one who saw you guys was me. I'm not saying anything. Did anyone at school see?" I shrugged and looked down. "There was a lot of people. Most of them went to Jason's party. Everyone was celebrating. We were off to the side because of Hellfire. Chrissy approached us, Eddie and I got in the van with her and we left. Nobody saw us." Emmaline said. Dustin nodded and said "yeah, you guys did leave pretty quick. I didn't even know Chrissy was with you guys." "I won't let Eddie take the fall for this. He hasn't done anything wrong." Emmaline said to the group. Steve looked at her and said "we won't let that happen, Em." Emmaline squeezed my hand as she interlocked her fingers with mine. "I guess at some point one of us needs to get in contact with Lucas." Nancy said. Everyone seemed to nod. Emmaline played with my fingers again as she zoned out of the conversation. The wind blew and Emmaline shivered. I was quick to wrap my arm around her, Emmaline frowning as she couldn't hold my hand anymore. "Hey, not trying to be an asshole here but can we talk about this somewhere else? It's cold out here and Em doesn't do well in the cold." Nancy nodded and said "how about we just all regroup tomorrow? And we'll find out some more information then?" Everyone agreed. Dustin was going to ride with Em and I since he lived across the street from her. Max and Robin were going with Steve and Nancy would go back to hers. As I drove home, I stopped to pick up some chocolate for Em. And had to get Dustin something as well since he begged me. Dustin went home and Em and I went inside hers. "What's for dinner?" I asked. Emmaline shrugged and said "whatever you want." I nodded and wrapped my arms around her waist. "What about you?" I smirked. Emmaline shook her head and said "oh my gosh, Eddie!"

Peter's POV:
"I don't understand where Chrissy could be. This isn't like her. And that nerd is dead. What's happening?" Jason said. Andy shook his head while sighing. Jack ran a hand through his hair and said "it's weird. Something is going on." "Maybe Chrissy ran away." Lucas suggested. Everyone looked at him. "She didn't run away." Jason scoffed. Lucas shrugged and said "how do you know?" "Because she loved me." "Did she?" Andy asked. I put my head in my hands and said "we need to do something. We need to find Chrissy." "Well some of her cheerleader friends bought drugs from Eddie. Maybe Chrissy did." Lucas said. I looked up and Andy scrunched his face up in disgust. "Chrissy? Buying drugs from the freak? She wasn't like that. She'd never do that." Jason said. Jack nodded and said "yeah. I agree. Even if all the other cheerleaders do it. Chrissy doesn't." "Em bought from him a few times. So we could smoke weed. A lot of people do. Would it be that abnormal?" I said. Jason looked at me and said "then where is she now?" "Maybe she's high somewhere. Maybe she got lost." I replied. "Maybe Eddie killed her." Andy said lowly. Jack looked at me and then looked at Andy. "Eddie? Eddie wouldn't do that." Lucas said. Everyone's eyes went to Lucas. "And why do you know that, Sinclair?" Jason asked. Lucas shrugged and said "he runs a club for nerds. Why would he kill a cheerleader?" Jack nodded and Andy did the same. "He must be someone who can convince you easily. He made Em leave me." I said. "You're delusional. You cheated. And then you wonder why she didn't stay with you. You're with Lorna now. Learn to like it or break up with her." Jason retorted. Jack shook his head and said "let's just ask around. Someone has had to have seen Chrissy after the game. She didn't come to the party. Someone saw something." Jason nodded and said "agreed."

Another chapter finished!! Also how we all feeling about Joseph being casted as Johnny Storm?? As someone who's a huge marvel fan and has been since I was a kid, I am so fucking excited!! 2025 needs to hurry up and get here so I can see the new Fantastic Four movie!! Joseph is going to do amazing as Johnny and it's even better that he's playing my favorite member of the Fantastic Four.

Teenage Werewolf | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now