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Emmaline's POV:"Eddie, don't go

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Emmaline's POV:
"Eddie, don't go." "I have to. Wayne'll kick my ass." I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to hang onto him. "It's only for a day, babe." "I know. And it's a good opportunity for you. I just wish I could be with you all the time." I frowned and Eddie cupped my cheek, making me look up at him. "Hey, it's one day. I'll be back. I'm going to be exhausted when I come home." I sighed and said "yeah, I'll have to go to school tomorrow without you." Eddie clicked his tongue and kissed my forehead. "You'll be fine, Elionwy. I'll rescue you if I need to." I half smiled and Eddie let go of me to grab his jacket. "Can you stay the night at least?" Eddie looked over his shoulder at me. "You're breaking my heart, princess." "You can still make it to work with Wayne on time." "Wayne gave me specific instructions. He's letting me work a day with him for some money, Em. It'll be nice. I can take you on a really nice date after. It's one day, princess." I nodded with a sigh and said "ok." The thought of not seeing my boyfriend for a day hurt. Especially since I had been spending so much time with him. Eddie took off his vest and said "keep it safe for me." I held the denim in my hands and said "you're going to leave it with me?" "Yeah. I can't wear it tomorrow anyway. It'll get filthy." I looked at the pins and patches on it, running my fingers over them gently. Eddie cupped my cheek again and kissed my lips passionately. I moaned into the kiss and Eddie pulled away. "I'll call you tomorrow." "Ok." Eddie then left my bedroom. I watched him unlock his van from my bedroom window. Eddie waved like an idiot and I waved back while shaking my head. He blew a kiss dramatically as he walked a few steps to the window. He almost tripped and stumbled and I gasped softly. He had caught himself and then bowed. Eddie then got into his van and pulled away. I walked away from my window and started to get ready for bed.


The next day at school was odd without Eddie. I closed my locker to see Milo standing there. "Can I make a movie about you and Eddie's relationship?" "No." "No?! It would sell! The popular girl and the metalhead falling in love? It's just not something that happens! And the fact you've somewhat kept your popularity is insane!" Milo exclaimed. I shook my head and said "stop, Milo." "I wanna make a movie so bad. You and Eddie's story would sell." I huffed softly and said "I'm sure it would." "Hey, Emmaline." Jack Castello's voice said. I looked at him, my eyes slightly wide. "Hi?" I said. Jack gave me a warm smile and said "how've you been?" "Fine. Why do you ask?" Jack shrugged and said "was just wondering. You haven't hung out with us. We miss you. You were the cherry on top of the cake." I gave him a half smile and said "yeah, I'm sure." "Milo, I'm sure me and Emmaline could star in your movie." Milo looked at Jack and said "really? You wanna be in a movie?" "Yeah. Me and Emmaline could be the stars. I'll be in Hollywood one day. You better believe it." Milo opened his mouth and from his facial expression I knew he was going to say something snarky. I quickly stopped him and said "I can see it. I can totally see Jack in Hollywood." Jack seemed pleased by my comment and then said "you should totally start hanging out with us again. Ditch the freaks and come back." Milo crossed his arms over his chest and I said "no thanks." I then grabbed Milo and pulled him away, the two of us walking down the hall. "Your ex is actually so scary now. I think he's mad at the fact that Eddie makes you so happy." "He probably is." Alyssa came around the corner and said "Emmaline." "Hey, Lyssa." She took a breath and said "can I talk to you? In private?" "I'm not cool enough for the serious conversation, huh?" Milo said. I glared at him and he huffed. "Fine. Have your girl time." He walked away and Alyssa pulled me closer to her. "What's wrong?" I questioned. Alyssa took a breath and said "I know I've been spending time with Rhett and have been busy and there's no excuse but, they're acting up again." "Your powers?" I whispered. Alyssa nodded and said "yes. I've been seeing things and hearing things. I've been seeing him." "Henry?" "Yes. He's been in my dreams. It's so weird. Have you been sleeping ok? Anything weird going on?" I shrugged and said "I don't think so. I've been more tired lately but that's because I've been stressed about school. I don't think there's been anything out of the ordinary." Alyssa nodded and said "if there's anything weird. Please let me know." "Ok." Alyssa examined my face and then looked around the hallway. "Where's Eddie?" I sighed and said "he went to work with his uncle for a day. Wanted some extra money. Wayne was able to get him a shift. So, he's not here today." Alyssa made a face and said "that's so weird. He's been glued to you lately." "Is that bad?" I asked. Alyssa shook her head and said "no. You guys are really cute. It's just weird for him not to be with you. The championship game is coming up. Are you guys going?" "No. Eddie's campaign is the same night." "His D&D campaign?" "Yes." "Have fun with that. Your boyfriend is such a nerd." I nodded and said "I know. I'm going to the campaign just to support him. And he's taught me some stuff about it." "Bestie, D&D is so lame." "You sound like Max." I retorted. "She's right!" The both of us laughed and Alyssa said "you're wearing his vest." "Yeah, he let me wear it today." Alyssa smiled and said "that's cute." I felt my cheeks heating up at the thought of Eddie and I looked down. "Maybe one day soon we can all hang out." She said. I nodded and said "yeah. That'd be nice."

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