Lorna's Party

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Emmaline's POV:All anyone at school could talk about was Lorna's party

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Emmaline's POV:
All anyone at school could talk about was Lorna's party. "It's gonna be great." Jason said. He put his arm around Chrissy's shoulders. She half smiled and said "yeah. I guess." Jack agreed when Jason as he talked about getting absolutely hammered. Andy looked me up and down and said "you'll be there, right?" I shrugged and said "yeah." Peter kissed my cheek and said "of course she'll be there." "Lorna despises me and would rather me not be there but I'll go for the sake of all of you." I said. Andy furrowed his eyebrows and said "why doesn't Lorna like you?" "I have no idea." I replied. Peter stopped the conversation about Lorna as he talked about how we all needed to unwind before spring break. It would be something to get out of the way before having a chill spring break. Peter was going on vacation. His estranged aunt had reached out and wanted to see him. Peter's mom died when he was young and the only connection he had left to her was his aunt; his mother's sister. I would definitely be alone for spring break but I'd have Alyssa and Milo to keep me company. Andy continued to look me up and down like I was a piece of meat. He wasn't a bad looking guy but he honestly gave me the creeps. He looked at every girl as if they were just something he could fuck. I seemed to inch closer to Peter who pulled me into him. "Em." Milo said. I quickly took this opportunity to get away from the popular crowd. "Are you going to the party tonight?" He said. I nodded and said "I have to. Are you?" "I'll go if you will. It might be nice to get some of that stuff on camera." I chuckled softly and Alyssa approached us. "So, the party tonight is a definite?" Milo gave her a thumbs up and said "yep." "Hello, Princess Emmaline." The voice of Eddie Munson said. I looked over my shoulder as he walked past me. "Hello, king of the nerds." Eddie pretended to be hurt and said "ouch. Why don't you come be the queen of the nerds?" "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I snapped. Eddie smirked and said "I would actually. Also, I heard we passed our project. Got an A." I was shocked. I knew we had done a decent job but an A? Wow. I'm sure Eddie Munson hadn't seen an A since middle school. "That's cause of me." I said. Eddie chuckled and said "of course it was. But, I did help you a little bit. With the monster part of course." Eddie spun on his heel and walked away from me, Rosalie immediately going to his side. "Since when are you and Eddie Munson friends?" Milo asked. I shook my head and said "we're not."


"A skirt or jeans?" I asked Alyssa. She looked at the two options in my hand and said "well, you might be colder in the skirt but it's cuter than the jeans." I shrugged and said "ok. I'll do the skirt." Milo looked at the skirt and said "it's ugly." I shook my head and said "it's one of Peter's favorite skirts I own." Milo rolled his eyes and said "he has shitty taste." I scoffed and said "stop, Milo. It's a cute skirt." "I just don't like it. Plus, your boyfriend could be nicer to people." I furrowed my eyebrows as Milo looked down. I knew of Peter's asshole friends but I was beginning to think they were rubbing off on him. "Milo, just forget about Peter and let's go out and have a nice night, ok?" He nodded and didn't say anything else. Milo and Alyssa ended up riding together as Peter picked me up. "I'm looking forward to tonight." I half smiled at him and said "me too. I think it'll be fun. As long as Lorna doesn't try to ruin it for me." Peter kissed my cheek as he drove. "Ignore her, Em. She's a bitch. Let's just go and dance and have some fun. Nothing crazy." I felt better as Peter reassured me. He always knew how to do that. I was sure we'd have a good time. My boyfriend usually was so sweet. Lately he'd been letting Jason Carver dictate his actions. Jason overall was a nice guy. He was on a high horse and thought he was the coolest guy on Earth because he was dating Chrissy Cunningham and was the captain of the basketball team. I had a feeling that tonight would be fun. It would be a way for Peter and I to let loose.

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