"Get your Bo Peeps on and go and find one!"

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Emmaline's POV:Friday

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Emmaline's POV:
Friday. This was when all hell broke loose. Eddie and I kept our promise and got to school early. Eddie was beaming with excitement because of his campaign later today. I had caught wind of Lucas's dilemma. He had joined the basketball team and was trying to get closer to Jason. Dustin and Mike were a bit annoyed by it. "Are you going to the game?" Alyssa asked me. I shook my head and said "no. I'll be at Eddie's campaign." "That's right. Have fun with that. I have a feeling we'll win the game tonight and you'll miss it." I shrugged and said "I'd rather be with Eds." Alyssa nodded and said "I totally understand that." "Tell Eddie to move the campaign!" Lucas said to Dustin. Dustin's eyes widened and he said "he can't just move the campaign! He's been planning for this for weeks! I know you're all popular now but we're your friends!" Mike sighed and said "come on, Lucas." "I really want you guys to come to my game. Please?" Dustin looked at him in defeat and Lucas looked at me. "You too. You'd have fun. Bring Eddie. Convince him." I shook my head and said "Lucas, I'll try. But you know and I know Eddie isn't going to want to sit at a basketball game." Lucas nodded and then walked away. Dustin frowned and Mike said "we have to break the news to Eddie." "Yeah. I know. He's not gonna be happy." I patted both their shoulders and said "it'll be ok. Eddie won't be mad, right?" Both boys looked at me with a grimace and I said "right?" Dustin inhaled and said "he's gonna be pissed but it's fine." "Why don't I break the news to him?" I suggested. "No!" Mike and Dustin said in unison. Alyssa quirked an eyebrow and said "are you guys scared of Eddie?" "Sometimes." Dustin mumbled. Eddie jumped out from being a wall, pretending to gouge his eyes out, dropping to his knees. Lorna gasped in disgust and Peter said "freak!" Jason shuddered and Chrissy flinched. Jason and Peter seemed to leave their girlfriends behind as Eddie 'the freak' Munson taunted them. Eddie then stood up straight, gesturing for the girls to walk by. "You're disgusting!" Lorna spat. Eddie put his hands over his chest and frowned playfully. He then looked at Chrissy, gesturing for her to walk. Chrissy half smiled and Eddie said "my eye gouging was directed at her." He pointed at Lorna. Chrissy nodded and said "I know." She walked past him and Jason said "Chrissy, come on." Eddie then followed Gareth outside to his van. "I'm gonna go. Before Eddie realizes Lucas wants to be a jock." Dustin said. Mike nodded and said "me too." The boys left me and I went out to the front of the school to see my boyfriend. Alyssa followed me and I watched Eddie pull a cigarette out of the box he had in his pocket. I immediately took it from him and threw it on the ground. "Babe!" Eddie exclaimed as he pouted. "Gross." I retorted. I crossed my arms over my chest and Eddie said "you used to think my smoking was hot." "It is. Doesn't mean I like it though. I don't like the smell. And I don't really like how it tastes." "You don't smoke." I made a face at Eddie and stood on my tiptoes to whisper in his ear. "I don't like how it tastes when I kiss you." Eddie clicked his tongue and cupped my cheek as I got off my tiptoes. "M'sorry." I shook my head and said "you're fine." "No, I shouldn't do it. It's mostly so I don't get stressed out. I do it when I can't smoke weed." I nodded and Eddie kissed my lips sweetly. Gareth gagged and said "you're gonna make me sick!" "Why don't you get a princess of your own, Gareth?" Eddie let go of my cheek. "And what princess would ever go out with me?" He quipped. Eddie gestured to the high school and said "one of these girls. Find one." Alyssa shrugged and said "my boyfriend's in college." Eddie looked at her and said "I'm supposed to be in college. So, Emmaline is technically dating a college guy." "You're in high school so, no." "I'm college age." Eddie argued. Alyssa shook her head and said "doesn't matter." Eddie rolled his eyes and Gareth said "I just want this day to be over so we can have the campaign already." Eddie laughed and said "you're ready to lose?" "I'm ready to win." Gareth stepped to Eddie. Eddie smirked as did Gareth. "We'll see who wins." Alyssa looked between the two men and said "ok, too much testosterone. Em and I are leaving. We actually have class." "It's only art." I said. Alyssa grabbed my wrist and went to pull me away to the school when Eddie stopped me. I gasped as he was quick to smash his lips on mine. He smiled into the kiss and I moved my lips against his and he chuckled. "Eddie." I giggled against his lips. Eddie smiled down at me and said "I'll see you at lunch?" "Did you bring it today?" I asked. Eddie nodded to his van and said "it's in there. I'll bring it inside and put it in my locker and grab it before." "And what does your lunch consist of today?" I said. Eddie shrugged and said "snacks. Stuff that'll fill me up. I also have to deal today." I nodded and Alyssa said "we're leaving. Say goodbye to your girlfriend, Eddie." Alyssa pulled me away and we walked into the school.

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