"I got you, sweetheart."

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Eddie's POV:"So, Chrissy has been taken into the Upside Down

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Eddie's POV:
"So, Chrissy has been taken into the Upside Down. What does that mean?" Dustin said. Max shrugged and said "I don't know. Sounds a lot like Will." "But it's not. This was way different." Steve said. Robin sighed and said "I mean, it's not the Mind Flayer cause he's dead, right?" Steve nodded and Dustin said "yeah. It's a new enemy which means new territory." "I know where Em is." I said. Everyone looked at me and Max said "where?" "Lovers Lake." Dustin looked outside and said "right now? It's freezing outside." "I need to go get her." I said as I stood up. "I'll come with you. We can take my car." Steve told me. I furrowed my eyebrows and Robin said "and what're we supposed to do?" "Stay here. Wait for us to get back." I said. Dustin nodded and Max did the same. I pointed to the freezer and said "there's tv dinners in there if you're hungry or uh just wait for us and we'll order pizza." "Ok." Max said. Steve and I got into his BMW and drove down the road. The Human League played softly and I sighed. "Why're you helping me, Harrington? Don't you have better things to do?" I asked. Steve looked at me and then back at the road. "I would've loved to have someone give me advice and try to help me get Nancy back. Or just be there for me. As a friend. I'm over her and I'm perfectly fine right now. But that look you had in your eyes today, I know that look. You were freaking out cause you knew you were almost going to lose her." Steve told me. "I kinda did." I mumbled. Steve shook his head and said "no. You haven't yet. You still have a chance. She loves you. Nancy didn't love me. At all." "Sorry about that, Harrington." Steve half smiled and the rest of the drive was silent. As we approached the lake, my heart sank. It was pitch black out here. I was mad at myself that it took me this long to figure it out. "Here. Stop here." I told Steve. He pulled her car off to the side of the road and I got out of the car. Steve held a flashlight in his hand and I looked around. I walked down towards the water's edge, knowing this was one of our spots. When I saw my girlfriend curled up on the ground I quickly rushed over to her. "Em." Her skin was cold to the touch. Luckily the ground wasn't muddy like it usually was. And it was kind of like a beach where she was. Mostly sandy. I shook her and said "Em." Her eyes slowly opened and she looked up at me. "Go away." She said. I brushed her curly hair out of her face and said "Em, I gotta get you out of here. You're freezing." "No, I'm not." She replied as she shivered. I took off my jacket and quickly put it on her. "I have a blanket in the car. I'll be right back." Steve said. "Hurry up." I replied. I heard his running footsteps and I scooped up Emmaline into my arms. She laid limp in my arms. "What're you doing out here, princess?" "We don't look good together, remember?" Emmaline wouldn't look at me. A twinge of pain shot through my heart. "I didn't mean that, baby. I didn't mean that. I know it's not an excuse but I'm super stressed out and I took it out on you. You were trying to help me. You always are. You're a beacon of light for me, you know? I love you, Em. I can't lose you." Emmaline's eyes drifted to mine. Her lip quivered and she said "you didn't go after me." "Yes, I did. You were already gone. Ask Harrington." "Steve?" Emmaline said. Steve came over with a blanket in his hand. He handed it to me and I wrapped it wound Emmaline as best I could. Her bare legs were unbelievably cold and I tried to warm her up. "He went after you. He was freaking out actually. All he could think about was you." Steve told her. Emmaline had small tears going down her face. "No. No. No." I quickly said as I wiped her tears. She sniffled and I kissed her forehead. "Don't cry. I'm here now, ok? I didn't mean what I said. I fucking need you, Emmaline. I said a stupid thing. I was frustrated and stressed. But please know that I love you, Em. You're my everything. I dunno where I'd be without you. I-I gotta take you home before you freeze. Can I do that?" Emmaline nodded. I half smiled and said "ok. I'm gonna pick you up. Ready?" I stood up, holding my girlfriend in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed me. "I love you." She sobbed. "I love you too." I replied as I walked to Steve's car. I went to put her in the backseat and she grabbed ahold of my arm. "Stay with me, Eddie." She whispered. I looked at Steve who nodded at me. I got in the backseat with her and she was quick to throw her arms around me again. "I got you, sweetheart." She hummed in response and Steve said "I'll put the heat on so she can warm up." We started to drive back to Emmaline's house. I felt Emmaline's hands go up under my shirt. "Are you sure you want to be with me, Eddie?" Emmaline said softly. I nodded and said "I'm sure, baby. I love you so much. With everything that's going on, if I didn't have you by my side, I'd go insane. My words get the better of me sometimes. But they would never change how I feel. They're just words. They don't mean anything." "They still hurt, Eds." My heart warmed at the nickname. "I know, Elionwy. And I'm sorry. I'll apologize for the rest of my life if it makes you feel better." "It's ok, Taran. I'll end up forgiving you." I half smiled and Emmaline did the same. She then kissed my lips quickly. I cupped her cheek and kissed her again. Emmaline made a surprised noise as I kissed her deeply. "I'm sorry." I apologized for the thousandth time. Emmaline pecked my lips and said "I know." She leaned her head on my shoulder and her eyes started to flutter close. I was so thankful I had my girlfriend back in my arms. I couldn't believe she had went out towards the lake with it being so cold. She hated the cold. She must not have been thinking. I played with Emmaline's curly hair as Steve drove. I said "thank you, Steve." Steve looked at me in his mirror and said "you're welcome, Eddie." The rest of the ride was filled with a comfortable silence. My eyes started to droop about halfway back.

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