The Roller Rink

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Emmaline's POV:"I don't think we should go

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Emmaline's POV:
"I don't think we should go." Eddie whispered. "It would help take your mind off all this. And we don't have to stay long. You're not a suspect. And maybe we could build up a rapport with everyone. You've been with me since the championship game." I said. Eddie ran a hand over his face and said "I don't know." "Let's go for an hour, come back here and just relax. Dustin said he's going to fix everything. He said he's going to figure it all out." Eddie sighed and said "I guess." "I promise you that I'm going to do whatever it takes. You will not take the fall for this." Eddie nodded and I quickly went upstairs to get dressed. Eddie followed me, putting his shoes on. "Do you wanna drive?" I asked. Eddie nodded again. I followed him out to his van. He quickly lit up a cigarette. As much as I hated him smoking I let him have it. I knew he was incredibly stressed out and I wanted him to calm down a bit. When we reached the roller rink, the parking lot was full. Eddie gulped and I said "you're ok, Eds." Alyssa waved at the two of us as we approached the door. "Hey, guys!" She said. Rhett nodded to Eddie and said "what's up?" "Hey, man." Eddie said. We walked inside and my eyes immediately went to Jack Castello and my ex boyfriend. I grumbled softly and Eddie followed my gaze. "Jesus Christ." He said softly. I looked at him and said "I can't believe they're here." "The championship party last night was insane. I don't know how they're not passed out drunk somewhere. I haven't seen Jason and the others." Rhett commented. A small wave of relief washed over Eddie's face. Jason Carver was most likely passed out somewhere, not even concerned about his girlfriend. We walked to the counter, trading in our shoes for skates. The pop music that played in the rink was loud. Eddie slowly bopped his head to the music as he stepped onto the floor. I followed him and he slowly started to skate around. Alyssa danced to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun as it was halfway through the song. Eddie scrunched up his face and said "not Cyndi Lauper." "This is a good song." I said. Eddie shook his head and said "no, babe." I giggled softly and skated past him. I went to the middle of the rink, spinning in a circle. Eddie watched my skirt flow out around me as the song slowly came to an end. She Bop started. Jack skated past me and said "hey, Em." I hid my grimace and nodded to him. I immediately made my way over to Eddie as to keep myself protected. The lyrics to the song left Eddie's lips as he sung it softly. "You do know Cyndi Lauper?" I quipped. Eddie shook his head and said "I happen to know you like this song. I don't listen to her, baby." "Ok." I replied sarcastically. Eddie skated backwards as he looked at me. "A creature called Gurgi told me that you liked this song. Maybe I learned a couple of the songs that you like." Eddie said. I hummed and said "maybe I did the same with Metallica and Dio." Eddie grabbed me by the waist, pulling me close to him. "Fuck, baby. Don't get me started with Dio." I smiled really big and said "Rainbow in the Dark is phenomenal." Eddie then toppled to the ground while someone grabbed my arms. I looked around to see Jack holding my arms while Peter had tripped Eddie. "Don't you have anything better to do during spring break, Munson? I was hoping I wouldn't run into you this whole week." Eddie was quick to recover from the fall, looking up at Peter. "It's a small town, Birch. I'm just trying to have a good time with my girl." Peter scoffed as Eddie stood up. "You mean the girl you took from me?" "Peter, you did it to yourself, man. And aren't you with Lorna now? And you, let go of my girlfriend." Jack released me and I shoved him. Jack chuckled and said "you belong with us. Not the reject." Eddie rolled his eyes and skated away from me. I followed him as She Bop came to an end. He stepped off the rink and I said "Eddie." "God, why did we come here? I mean, it was stupid." I shrugged and said "I don't know. I was hoping I could help you not be stressed out. Everything's going to be ok. You're not alone in this." "Oh, but I am. I am, Emmaline. This isn't just gonna go away. It's only a matter of time before people figure it out." I shook my head and said "it's me and you, Eddie. We were both there. It's us." Eddie scoffed. "You do know you're the golden girl, right? You can do no wrong. You're a ball of sunshine while I'm the town freak. Why did we even come here? That's the most stupid idea you've had yet. It just shows everyone how we don't match or how weird we look together." My lips parted in shock and I looked around the room, hoping nobody could hear Eddie. "Whoa." The voice of Steve Harrington said. Eddie looked at Steve and then looked back at me. "Well, excuse me for trying to make you feel better. Excuse me for being comfortable around you after being treated badly by Peter. Excuse me for falling in love with you, Eddie. Is that how you really feel? We look weird together?" I looked at the ground, my skates becoming incredibly interesting. "Hey, Eddie? Dustin filled me and Robin in. Can we talk outside? In my car or something? Emmaline too?" Steve asked. Eddie looked at Steve and furrowed his eyebrows. "Uhm, you can talk to Eddie, Steve. I've made too many mistakes today. Once again I fell in love with the wrong guy." Eddie's head snapped to look at me and he said "no. That's not what I meant." "You made your point, Eddie. I meant what I said. I'll keep you from getting nailed for this." I walked away, turning in my skates and not even bothering to put my shoes on as I stormed out of the rink. "Emmaline, wait. I didn't mean it." Eddie grabbed my arm and I yanked my arm from him. "Leave me alone, Eddie. We're not meant to be together, remember?" Hurt spread across Eddie's face and I said "oh, it's your turn to be hurt now?" "I didn't mean that, sweetheart. I'm just so stressed out. You're...everything to me." "Just talk to Steve." I replied. Steve looked at the two of us. "Emmaline." Steve said. I didn't answer as I walked outside. Robin sat in Steve's car with Dustin and Max. Their eyes landed on me and Robin said "hey." I then started to walk back home. "Em!" Dustin said. I ignored him, carrying my shoes in one hand. "Em, wait!" I heard Dustin's running footsteps approaching me. "Where're you going? Where's Eddie?" "He's inside with Steve." "Why're you leaving?" "Go ask Eddie!" I snapped, the tears falling from my eyes. Dustin looked over his shoulder at the rink and back at me. "What happened?" "Dustin, just go back. If you guys need me I'll be at home. Eddie needs to figure out what he wants. Because I'm not longer in that equation." I walked away, my knee high socks starting to turn black as I walked. My vision started to get blurry and Dustin tried to walk alongside me. "Go away, Dustin." "I'm not letting you go alone." "I'm going home. I'll be fine." "At least let Steve give you a ride home." I shook my head and said "forget it, Dustin. Just help Eddie. Don't let them blame him for it." "You're going home? For sure?" I nodded and walked away from him. When I got far enough away I put my shoes on. My feet seemed to carry me, my mind not working properly. It seemed like I walked and walked and walked. Before I knew it, I was at Lover's Lake. I sat down on a log and looked out into the water. Maybe Eddie was right. We probably did look weird together. I sniffled and thought about how people looked at us. I put my head in my hands and cried softly. I definitely didn't care about that kind of stuff and I was sure Eddie didn't. Obviously not. I wanted him to go after me. He didn't. He didn't follow me out of those doors. He let me go.

Eddie's POV:
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Emmaline walked out of the roller rink doors and I felt my heart beating really fast. "Fuck." I walked away from Steve, going to get my shoes back. "Eddie-" Steve began. I pushed past him and rushed out of the rink. "Where is she?" I said. Dustin was walking back to Steve's car. "Dustin, where is she?!" Dustin pointed down the road and said "she walked." "Where?" "Home." I ran a hand through my hair and said "oh fuck." My hands shook and Steve said "hey, we need to talk to you." "Listen, I don't have time for this. I have to go and get her. She's the only fucking thing keeping me sane right now. And I, I.." "You don't wanna be with her anymore." Dustin said as he leaned against Steve's car. Max slowly stepped out of the car and said "she was a mess." My head snapped to look at Max. I glared at her and she said "and that's your fault. Not mine. Don't look at me." "Maybe we can talk as we go find her." Steve said. Dustin shook his head and said "she went home." A small breath left my lips. At least she went home. My hands still shook and I pulled at my hair. "I said the worst thing I could have fucking said to her. I made her think..." Steve put a hand on my shoulder and said "you can fix it." "Harrington, there's no fixing that." "Hey, she still loves you. Be glad that you have someone that loves you. You gotta apologize. Admit you fucked up." "I did! It's all on me!" "There you go. Emmaline will take you back in a heartbeat." I looked at Steve and said "why are you giving me advice?" "Don't want you to end up like me." He mumbled. He half smiled and Max said "we need to figure out more about this Vecna situation." Dustin nodded and said "yeah. But not here." "Let's just go to Em's." Steve said. I walked away from them and got into my van. All of Em's stuff was on the seat and that's when the tears started. I buried my face in my arm as my whole body shook with sobs. The van door opened and I immediately wiped my face. "It's me." Dustin said softly. He gently set Emmaline's stuff in his lap and closed the door. "I fucked up, Dustin." "You can fix it. Taran fixes everything." Dustin said. I shook my head as a weak smile appeared on my face. "Seems like you're the only one who believes that, Gurgi." "Elionwy will listen to you. We just gotta talk to her." I started up the van and backed out, making my way to Em's. Dustin stared out the window as I fought the urge not to cry. When we got there, I told everyone I'd climb through her window and let everyone in. I toppled onto the floor in her bedroom. "Em?" I said softly. Her bed looked the same as it had this morning. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked in her parent's room. Nothing. I knew she wouldn't be in her brother's room. I looked in the living room and bathroom, searching the whole house. I started to panic and I opened the door for everyone else. "Where is she?" Steve said. I shrugged while chuckling, tears rolling down my cheeks. "She's not here." Max frowned and said "shit." "Do you know about any places where she'd go? To de stress or get away?" Robin asked. I turned away from the group and said "I dunno. Maybe I just let her go." "Hey. No. We need to find her. Whatever happened to Chrissy could happen to her." Steve said. I looked at him and said "w-what?" "We don't know Vecna's motive. It's better we find her." Max said. "You need to think, Eddie. Somewhere she feels at ease. Somewhere you guys have been? Your trailer?" "No, she wouldn't go to my trailer. Wayne's there. I'll think about it." "And while you do that. We can talk about everything." Robin said in a soft voice. I nodded in agreement, going to sit down on the couch.

Ok so this chapter hit me out of nowhere and it's probably a reflection of how I've been feeling with my friends. Also Megacon was the worst con I've ever been to and I'll never go back!! So unorganized!

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