Chapter 5- Aurora

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The man in the white coat states, who I assume is the doctor, my voice comes out dry and hoarse, "I couldn't exactly run away attached to all these tubes and monitors I was connected to." I retort.

He gives me a glass of water and I down it as if I've been walking the desert for a month without water. The dr smiles, "well it's good that mr. Romano found you when he did. You had lost a lot of blood and we had to do emergency surgery on your small intestines, but it seems it was successful. You should feel better after 1 to 2 weeks and will probably be back to normal in 2 to 4 weeks. Your bowel movements may not be regular for several weeks. Also, you may have some blood in your stool."

I rest my head back on the pillow, closing my eyes, "when can I get back to work or school?"
"In a week or 2, depends on how quick your recovery goes, but considering your line of work, I'd suggest the full 4 weeks"

I eye him in shock but mostly suspicion. How would he know what I do for work? As if knowing, "Mr Romano told me what you do when he asked me the same question. He must really care about you. He's never taken this much interest in getting anyone treated "

I scoff knowing very well he would've left me to die if I wasn't beneficial to him.

The doctor left soon after and I met Maria, she was apparently supposed to help me around with anything I needed. She wasn't a nurse, she was one of the women who helped keep this house in check. I hate the term maid. She helped me with changing my bandages, changing, going into to the shower, and food. I hated feeling so worthless. Not being able to do anything for myself.

All I did was eat, sleep, study and repeat. Molly would send me the stuff I missed out on at school after I told her about the shooting, leaving out the part of who shot me and why he even saved me. She was shocked that the Dón was the one who saved me, but in her words "I know he probably saw you lying there and fell in love instantly, who wouldn't" . Yeah right. If only she knew what I knew.

He hasn't been here all week either. I haven't seen him at least, but considering I've been cooped up in this makeshift hospital room, how would I?

It's Sunday and the pain to my abdomen has become somewhat tolerable with pain meds so I took a walk around with Maria, and this house was huge. Decorated in colours of black and white with bits of gray, it was absolutely beyond. She showed me to the room I'd be staying in and the closet alone was bigger than my room back at the apartment.

I settled in my new room and made use of the laptop he so nicely provided me., nicely, yeah right. Over the few years i've worked as a stripper, i've grown to really dislike men, I swear I became a misandrist at some point without even knowing it. They can never do anything just because, there's always a motive.

I spend the rest of my day talking to Molly over the phone, she desperately tries to find out all the details about what exactly happened and why the don decided to actually pity me.

I tell her what I could, without divulging why i'm actually here, I just tell her i'm working for him and it's a chance for me to earn enough to pay off law school and finally leave stripping.

She doesn't fail to hide the nervousness in her voice at the thought of me working for the don but I assure her I know what i'm doing.

Do you though? My inner voice taunts

After all my unpacking and making the room feel a little homey, I find a photo frame at the bottom of one of my suitcases. I smile, knowing Molly must have packed it in there. It's the last photo of my parents and I. We took it at the beach, the last time we were there, on dad's last birthday before... you know. I swallow the lump in my throat and place the frame on my bedside table.

I head downstairs and make my way into the kitchen, wanting something to eat, knowing Maria has already left to head home. She's a nice lady, she helped me feel a little less lonely in this big ass house. I decide on making myself a sandwich, because really, what else could I make? with my terrible cooking skills.

Taking a bite of my sandwich, the devil walks in, in arms with a woman, but not the one I bumped into last time. With how good looking he is? I'm really not surprised at all. He groans when he sees me and I respond with an eye roll, "well, hello to you too" an obviously fake smile appears on my face. I do slightly enjoy the fact that I bother him as much as he bothers me though.

"Hey, i'm Carla" the brunette next to him smiles, reaching out a hand, "You're a lot nicer than the blond. hey, Rori" I smile back shaking her hand. She looks at Lorenzo and he rolls his eyes and tells her to wait for him upstairs. He ignores me as he goes into the fridge pouring glass of water for himself. He now stands on the opposite end of the counter from where I sit, busy on his phone. I go back to devouring my sandwich, "when do you go back to work?" he asks.

"3 weeks" I say with my mouth full knowing it would disgust him. I fight a smile as I am proven right after seeing the scowl on his face.

he sighs, "You got a game plan or are you just going to eat up all the food in my house?" I huff at his ridiculous question. There's enough food here to feed an entire congregation. I doubt I make that much of a difference.

"I'm actually going to the club tomorrow to talk to Riccardo about needing to make money waitressing or something. At least until I can fully heal."

His brows furrow in confusion, " It would be oddly suspicious of me to go 4 weeks without work knowing how broke I really am" I clarify his confusion.

To that he just nods, gulping down the rest of his water  and heading to do God knows what with that woman upstairs.

I finish my four slices of a sandwich and head upstairs. nestling into bed after a shower and changing the bandages.

I toss and turn at night trying to sleep, but I fail at every turn. I huff in annoyance, tempted to go pound on that damn door. His room is on the other side of the hall, how loud does that girl need to be for me to hear her all on the way this side.

Everytime I think I can finally sleep, I hear "Oh God", "yesss", "Lorenzo"  and to say i'm annoyed is an understatement. They really put the true meaning to the phrase all night long. Come on, is sex really that nice? I can barely stand one round with Ric. And her moans sounded so real, desperate, needy and just filled with passion. Crazy, maybe i'm just dead down there.

I mean, yes, I don't have that much experience when it comes to the deed. I've only ever slept with two guys. The first guy was when I was in high school. He was my boyfriend then, and we slept together after his prom. cliché I know, but I was a sophomore and I was scared of losing my boyfriend to college girls and boy did I.

That small heartbreak seems so futile now, looking back at how life's been. It ended too quickly for me to even enjoy it to be honest. I barely got used to his length, before he came. No foreplay, no kissing, absolutely nothing like how I thought my first time would be.

And as you can guess, Ric was my second. Every single time i've done it with him, I have been dry. I actually don't get what he enjoys about it, but hey... I benefited from it. With the sun about to rise, I was finally able to fall asleep.


Thanks for reading loves <3

Darkest DesiresTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang