Chapter 74 - A delightful development

Start from the beginning


 The most handsome man he has ever seen-

 Surely that is an exaggeration.

 I'm not that much of a looker.

 "T-Thank you." Was the only thing I managed to spit out.

 I too attempted to avoid his eyes by looking away, only to lock eyes with Chiori.

 Chiori whose gaze seemed to scream 'You f*cking idiot.' as she looked at me.

 I'm trying my best, okay?!

 It's your fault that I'm in this state!

 "Okay, so now I want a picture." She suddenly declared.


 "Excuse me?" 

 We both looked at her utterly baffled.

 "I gave you both a set of clothes I think I deserve a picture."

 I'm pretty sure we were both forced to wear these.

 But that look in her eyes didn't leave room for protest.

 At least she promised not to use it for advertisement purposes and to just keep it to herself.

 As such we were both dragged to an elaborately decorated wall.

 Fortunately, she didn't pull out a giant camera or anything and was only going to use her phone to take the picture.


 So we were standing there, very very close to each other. At some point, Neuvillette had also gone ahead and held my hand, but I can't say exactly when.

 Just as I was thinking that we could quickly get this over with and we could escape Chiori's clutches, she suddenly looked up from her phone and called out to Neuvillette, pointing at her cheek.


 What does she-

 I didn't have time to contemplate the reason for her actions nor the grin that surfaced on her face right after. Not as my mind went completely blank right the same instant when I felt Neuvillette's lips touch my cheek.





 What was-



 The next thing I knew was that we were no longer in Chiori's shop but rather back on the ground floor and I was holding two large bags in one hand and Neuvillette's hand with the other.


 When did we get down here?


 And why did Neuvillette kiss me?!

 It was just a kiss on the cheek but still-


 I can't even think!

 "-so let's go for the hair ties first." Neuvillette ended a sentence I didn't even realize he started.

 "What?" I asked dumbly.

 "Hair ties, Wriothesley. As I've explained previously, Lynette has a habit of losing her hair ties. Is everything alright? You've been a bit out of it ever since we left Chiori's place." He said worriedly.

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