Chapter 54 - One leaves another arrives

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Neuvillette's POV

 After some more urging, I got a few more things out of Ajax.

 Still, it wasn't much.

 Other than the first two, he merely wished for his family not to be involved with the dealings of the Fatui, same as till now, and for Zhongli's people to be added to the 'not to be involved with' list as well.

 In case of emergency, however, both sides are free to move as long as the intent is simply to protect.

 This I could do. Neither Snow nor Zhongli had any reason to disagree with this.

 As for his fourth and final request...

 Now this one was a bit more troubling.

 Well... It's not really the request itself, but Zhongli and Snow's incredibly protective nature.

 Ajax's fourth request was a two-week vacation every year with just his siblings and parents without the need to report his location and activities to anyone and or get involved with any members of the two organizations under Snow and Zhongli.


 "And you expect me to convince those two stubborn people that this is a good idea?"

 Even I'm not sure if it is a good idea.

 After all, his identity as a harbinger attracts a lot of negative attention.

 "It's a safety risk for both you and your family." I pointed out bluntly.

 "There aren't many who would dare go after my family and I am more than capable of protecting them and myself."

 That is also a fair point. Still, while I might be able to convince Snow, Zhongli's overprotectiveness is another thing.

 "I'll try to convince your boss, you have a go at your boyfriend." I offered.

 I will not have that conversation with Zhongli even if you beat me to death.

 He can deal with that overprotective, guilt-tripping guy himself.

 "Deal!" Ajax grinned.


 He is far too naive.

 If anything, Zhonlgi is gonna charm him into letting him tag along on this little private vacation.

 Well, that is that. Was there anything else I wanted to-

 Ah. Right.

 "Ajax, would you do me a favor?"

 "Hmm? You of all people need a favor? And from me? It's not something like taking over Alhaitham's job as your bodyguard for an event, right? You know I'm not suited for stuff like that."

 "It is not. On the contrary, it is something you will likely enjoy." I assured him.

 Something he will most definitely enjoy, actually.

 A look of interest flashed in his eyes.

 "Come on then. Spit it out. Now I'm curious." He grinned.


 Perhaps I should ask someone else instead.

 He looks like an excited puppy ready to pounce.

 "There is a small bar a few streets down. The one where you usually go to pick fights."

 "I don't pick-"

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