Chapter 10 - Someone's in trouble

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Neuvillette's POV

 He's late again.

 My mind couldn't help but wander when I looked up at the clock that showed 16:32.

 "Does your father often come late to pick you up, Sigewinne?"

 "Not really. And he usually at least writes me a message so I'm a bit worried." She mumbled.


 Yesterday too. Even though Wriothesley came late, he wrote Sigewinne a short message just after four.


 "Please excuse me for a moment. I have to make a quick call."

 I got up from the floor of the library where we were once again sitting and walked a bit farther away from the girl.

 I dialed a number and within just a few seconds, someone picked up.


 "Yes... Could you trace a phone number for me really quickly? I've already sent it to you."

 "Right away sir."

 I could hear the clicks of a keyboard from the other end.

 A few long minutes passed before the voice sounded again.

 "Shall I send you the footage from the security camera?"

 "That will be unnecessary. Please just tell me what he's up to."

 Why on earth is he late again?

 "Mr. Wriothesley and his team are currently in a shootout with another group I have yet to identify."

 My hand tightened around the phone hearing that.

 "Casualties?" I managed to ask with some difficulty.

 "None as of yet and that will most likely continue to be so as reinforcements for Mr. Wriothesley's side are currently surrounding the building."

 That is relieving.


 "The rooms at Hotel Debord are still empty, correct?" I asked.

 "Excuse me? Ah! Yes, they are."

 "Then thank you for your help, my dear. I'm sorry for taking up your time. Oh, and please send me the location, if you will."

 "Anytime, Monsieur. I will make sure to message you when it is safe to call him."

 The call ended with.

 While this wasn't a call people should know about, I didn't bother deleting the call log.

 Not when I knew that the other's number would be long gone, all traces of it erased, by the time I did so.

 Putting that matter aside, I placed another call.

 The call went through and the tone sounded a few times before-

 "Yes, this is Alhaitham's number. No, he can't be bothered to pick up at the moment. He won't pick up even if you call him another hundred times so don't bother trying. Just leave a message after the beep." Kaveh's voice sounded, followed by a loud beep.

 That voicemail...

 Did these two argue again?

 I ended the call and quickly changed the number I called from to my work one.

 This time the phone rang a mere two times before he picked up.

 "Mr. Neuvillette?"

 "Oh, so you were next to your phone, how wonderful."

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