Chapter 5 - A bribe

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Neuvillette's POV

 This time Maria didn't even bother knocking and just entered and placed the letter on my desk before leaving.

 I put other things aside and opened the envelope, which was decorated with three stickers this time.

 Dear pretty mister, Mr Nevillet.

 Did I get your name right this time?

 I would love to be bribed! Bribe me as much as you want!

 On a different topic, Dad was complaining about you again. Well, not exactly.

 He was laughing when he got back from work. Apparently, he and his colleagues made a list of the cases you ruined for them. From what I heard, that list was four pages long!

 Really, mister? Four pages?

 How can you even meddle in so many of them? Do you have too much free time?

 By the way.

 I think I got another two answers right on this test. Maybe three, but I'm not quite sure about that third one.

 Oh, and don't tell Dad that I'm writing you letters! Let's keep it a secret.

 He would surely start nagging if he found out.

 That's everything I wanted to say! 

 Please reply quickly!

 And you can call me Winne! Dad sometimes calls me that!

 Bye Bye mister!

 Now I was quite sure that Wriothesley was not aware that his daughter was outing him in her letters.

 I don't know if I should find this amusing or pity the poor man.

 My eyes couldn't help but wander from the letter to the file on the edge of my desk.

 That file wasn't anything interesting to look at. Not from the outside at least.

 Inside the common brown cover, however, lay the information about the two individuals I had taken an internet in as of late.

 Thinking about it, Wriothesley and his team either missed a few, or Sigewinne misunderstood something, as the list of their cases I've meddled in took up eight pages, not four.

 However, it might have been because my meddling in some cases wasn't as obvious that they either didn't realize it or didn't add them.

 It was only as I read that file that I realized just why Wriothesley had been throwing me dirty looks since the first time we met.

 Even before our first face-to-face meeting, I had already released six people he worked weeks, if not months, to capture.

 No wonder I'm so incredibly disliked.

 It was quite intriguing, however, that even after so much research, I still couldn't place Wriothesley's exact place of employment.


 I dislike being unsure of things.

 I know that he deals mostly with gang-related issues and often goes off the grid for days, but I cannot find more than that.

 What exactly does he do for a living?

 Not exactly law enforcement, but it isn't not law enforcement either.

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